Paperclip Prayer

By Melissa McLaughlin

Lord, make me a paperclip for You

Not glamorous, not noticed, but oh, so useful

Let me hold people together with my small strength

Let me be bent into new shapes…

So I can unlock doors in lives where the keys are now lost;

So I can be the hook on the end of a string dangling from the classroom ceiling

securing a child’s prized tissue-paper butterfly in my gentle grasp

at just the right height for little eyes to see;

So I can be the bookmark

in a great unfinished story with surprises, twists and turns

showing the reader where to begin again;

So I can be something

yet to be imagined

yet to be made

yet to be molded

Nothing but a common paperclip

Waiting to be used and used and used again

In the hands of the Great Re-Maker

Christian poem paperclip prayer
Photo ©Melissa McLaughlin

Additional Resources

The Potter’s Hands – Poem by Melissa McLaughlin

Alive and Breathing – Poem and Prayer By Melissa McLaughlin

Desiring God – Prayer Changes People’s Wills

Prayer changes me. -C.S. Lewis

19 thoughts on “Paperclip Prayer”

  1. What a creative idea! Yes! We shouldn’t aim to be glamorous and flashy. We should aim to be useful to the Lord. I loved it.

    • Thank you for the thoughtful comments! I pray my little words will lead others to The Word. It truly is an amazing thing that the God of all creation would engage us in His heavenly plans. Looking forward to reading the creative words the Creator has given you! Blessings, Missy


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