In Just the Right Spot

By Melissa McLaughlin

I’m perched on the edge of tomorrow

Resting for a just bit

Before I spread my wings again

By the call of the rising Son

I can see the wide world above

The wonder of trees and skies

The vast unseen unknown

Beckoning me to come

Small and frail as I am

I feel the earth below

Strong beneath my feet

The Rock on which I stand

Unending still and peace

But the breeze is stirring once again

It’s almost time to go

Yet I rest here quiet

In this breath of time

For the Son is shining on me

Warming me in His love

I’m soaking Him in

Before rising again


In just the right spot

Psalm 27:14Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! NKJV

Photo ©Melissa McLaughlin

Additional Resources

Paperclip Prayer – Poem and Prayer By Melissa McLaughlin

5 Tips to Rest in the Lord By

Enjoy this restful song: Jesus I am Resting, Resting By Steve Green

7 thoughts on “In Just the Right Spot”

    • Yes, I really do. The earth is full of His glory! And I can see His hand everywhere when I am outdoors. A little harder to see inside my house. But from the vastness, to the majesty, to the intricacies, to the beauty…I find nature a breathtaking signpost of our amazing God.


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