Alive and Breathing

Christian Poem Holy Spirit Alive and Breathing

By Melissa McLaughlin

Holy Spirit, breathe through me

Fill my lungs with your heavenly freshness

Rush through me, mighty River, with cleansing force

Routing any debris left behind by squandered living

Open wide the doors of my heart

Preparing the way for the King of Glory

Whip open my windows with your windy fury

Sweeping out any dust that has settled in untouched corners

Tired old microscopic remnants of undisturbed ideas and habits

Remaining in place unless stirred by You

Carve away the ragged edges of my prideful will

Though it hurt

Till my heart is smoothed and stilled by the face of my Suffering Servant King

Help me take up arms to dethrone myself again today

Let me stop at nothing

Sword, belt, breastplate, helmet, shoes and shield

Until You alone are seated on the throne of my heart once more

Pierce me with your Living Word

Truth running strong and free into my soul

I give you the keys to my mind

Protect nothing there from your searing Word

Let me bleed with gratitude from the heart

For all that I have done

In exchange for the Mighty One’s blood who now covers me

Let me bleed with joy for Your Word and Your Son with all the love of my heart

Let me not become numb to Your movement, Your call, Your pulse

Let me not be among the walking dead who roam the earth today

For when my wounds drip blood from Holy Spirit fire

Only then do I remember the power of the Blood that runs through my veins

Only then do I know

I am truly alive

Photo © Melissa McLaughlin

Unquenchable Faith – Poem By Melissa McLaughlin

Read More About the Holy Spirit here on

25 thoughts on “Alive and Breathing”

    • Thank you for the encouraging words! The picture was taken while I was sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot and those seagulls were flying in circles above. I just snapped a quick shot and got that gem. Can you believe that? Just shows how God is always speaking through nature, if we will only pause long enough to see and hear. Even in a McDonald’s parking lot!

  1. The image of breathing the refreshing air that comes from the Holy Spirit and experiencing the fulfilling life of Christ is clearly my desire.

    • Thank you, Pastor Craig, for visiting and sharing your heart for Jesus! May the Holy Spirit continue to anoint and flow through your words and your life! Your sermons are poetry for the soul every Sunday. May Jesus be known, loved and lifted up! God bless you!

  2. Beautifully written and expressed, poured from soul and spirit.

    Praying along with, as reading.

    So many ways this speaks to me. “Routing any debris left behind by squandered living” jumped out with alarming relevance.

    God bless you.

    • Rob, thank you for taking the time to read and pray with me. Glory to God for all he has done and all he has given us. May we use what little we have to love him, seek him and honor him more! God bless you, brother! Holy Spirit, flood my brother and use him, I pray, for your glory and your kingdom work!


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