Guest Post By The Eclectic Contrarian
The First Christmas Tree
The first Christmas tree was not beautiful. The lights did not catch your eye with splendor. The ornaments did not adorn or complement and decor.
In fact, the first Christmas tree (Acts 5:30) was rough, splintered, uncomfortable, cumbersome, awkward and feared.
The first Light (John 8:12) was broken. It was a light that only few could see. It wasn’t pleasant to look upon.
The first Ornament (Mark 15:15) was battered. It certainly was no heartfelt trinket we love to behold.
The Water (John 19:34) that was given for this tree didn’t come from a faucet.
Lastly, the star (Matthew 2, 1-11) above the tree was given to remind us we are not alone. We are loved. And if we are willing, we can be saved.
This is what a Christmas tree means to me. I don’t care for the nonsense we’re impressed to believe about this season. There is no Santa, elves or flying reindeer. There is, however, Jesus Christ.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16
Be sure to check out The Eclectic Contrarian’s blog here. He has many powerful poems and insightful posts that inspire and help readers think more deeply about life and life in Christ.
Vision of Red – Poem and prayer by Melissa McLaughlin
Thank you, Lord, and thank you to The Eclectic Contrarian and his heart of truth in Christ! To God be the glory!
I really enjoyed reading this Blog! Thx U So Inspiring to me. GBU Loving Sista in Christ. I was lifted Melissa.
Yes, the guest writer, The Eclectic Contrarian, pierced through all the trappings of the world to get to the heart of Jesus, the real Christmas gift. God bless you, Jackie!
Ditto what Ryan Callahan said! Big AMEN!
I’m shouting amen with both of you!
Amen, He came as a baby to go to the cross for us. May we pause and remember that, and rejoice in what He has bought for us: New Life!
Amen! From the cradle to the cross. What a gift! The Lord gave us the gift of life, but through Christ we have the gift of eternal life. Now that’s a forever gift!
Amen!! I was just sharing with my younger son about Jesus was the first and ultimate Christmas gift. God gave His Son to us as a gift. Talk about the Gift that keeps on giving!! 😇 I will share this blog with him as well about the first Christmas Tree.
Hi Missy 😎
Hi Pat! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. The gift of Jesus is beyond words and the more I meditate on who He is and what He has done, the more captivated I am by Jesus. Praying this post will touch your son’s heart like it did mine. God bless you and yours!