When God Closes a Door

By Melissa McLaughlin

God Closed a Door

How we longed for the day when our house would be filled with the pitter-patter of tiny feet. My husband and I imagined a swing in the backyard, bedtime stories and family walks to the park on Sunday afternoons. Unfortunately, my first pregnancy was extremely difficult. Consequently when our second child was born, we knew she would be the last. That door had closed. Our two precious daughters were a gift from God that we cherished with all our hearts. We were grateful for this sweet family of four.

One day all of that changed. On the way home from church, my husband asked if I had ever thought about adopting a child. From that moment on, the possibility of adoption tugged at my heart and tapped on my shoulder week after week. At the doctor’s office, I would “happen” to open a random magazine to a story about adoption. While listening to the radio one morning, “out of the blue” a local sports station broadcast a story about adoption. Colleagues brought up the topic of adoption in the break room.

Though we thought the door was closed to more children, it seemed the Lord had other plans.

Our Adoption Story

God continued to whisper His invitation to adopt day by day. We enrolled in a foster/adoption program at a local foster care and adoption agency. We completed the training sessions and home visits required for state approval. We looked through profiles of children who matched our family and soon a child came up that caught our eye. We had prayed for a child younger than our two daughters, of any race or sex. This little boy was just the right age, about two years younger than our youngest child.

The case worker organized an initial visit. We waited with joyful expectation as the day approached. Two days before we were scheduled to visit the little boy we knew from our paperwork, the case worker called and asked if there was any way he could move in instead, as there was an unexpected change in his housing arrangements. I called my husband at work and we both gave a resounding, “Yes!” So, rather than preparing for a visit, we began preparing the spare bedroom for our son.

I will never forget the day the case worker drove up with our soon-to-be son in the van. We were out front waiting, smiling and waving, nervously excited. I could see a little boy in his car seat in the back of the van. He turned his head and looked out the window with his soft brown eyes. Gently he lifted his hand, gave a little smile and waved to us. How brave he was. In that moment, my heart melted for him and a deep mother’s love washed over me for this precious child God had added to our family in an unexpected way.

Though that first day was just the beginning of a long journey of family bonding and love, it sealed our family forever. We were no longer a family of four, we were a family of five!

Sometimes, when God closes a door, it is because He has something in store that we could never imagine for ourselves, painting a more beautiful masterpiece, adding hues and strokes we don’t possess in our limited vision.

When God closes a door, how should we respond?

Let’s take a brief look at a Biblical example. In 1 Chronicles 17, King David desired to build a house for the LORD. Years earlier God guided Moses in building the Tabernacle or Tent of Meeting, where the people gathered to worship God. Once David became king, he wanted to build a permanent structure to gather for worship. David loved the LORD deeply and wanted a fitting place of worship for One so great.

God’s response to David’s request?

God said He would build a “house” for David, as God would place a descendant of David on the throne of Israel forever. 1 Chronicles 17:7-14 God would not allow David to build a house of worship. God later clarified in 1 Chronicles 22, explaining that David had shed too much blood in war and God’s house would be a house of prayer for all people. Isaiah 56:7 Although David was not permitted to build a house for the LORD, God granted David’s son this privilege. Further, God returned David’s loving desire to honor the LORD by honoring David’s family with the gift of permanent kingship.

God closed the door on David’s dream of building a house for the LORD. However, God blessed David in ways he could not have imagined.

How Did David Respond?

How did David respond? With gratitude, praise and humility. David’s responsive prayer in 1 Chronicles 17:16-27 flowed out a heart of love for the Lord God, remembering all God had done for him. Especially touching was the way that David began his prayer, “Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” Adding to this humble opening, though David was rightful king, throughout the prayer he referred to himself as God’s servant.

When my dreams for ministry or passion to accomplish great things for God are brought to a halt, does my heart pour forth in prayer like David?

Are there doors God has closed in your life? Has God used those endings to bring about new beginnings?

May we seek to respond like David, with gratitude, praise and humility. And may we wait. For maybe, just maybe, God is orchestrating a symphony of experiences using instruments and people we cannot yet see or imagine. In God’s hands the music of our lives will echo with heavenly harmonies and sacred strains.

When God closes a door, may we humble ourselves, pray and rejoice!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

Additional Resources:

When It Doesn’t Make Sense By Melissa McLaughlin

What is the Tabernacle? 8 Ways Jesus is Our Tabernacle By Melissa McLaughlin

52 thoughts on “When God Closes a Door”

  1. What a beautiful story! And a beautiful love and family!!! I love this story of David and the temple. I studied that a few weeks ago and it wrecked me. And I love the perspective you bring on it.

    “May we seek to respond like David, with gratitude, praise and humility. And may we wait. For maybe, just maybe, God is orchestrating a symphony of experiences using instruments and people we cannot yet see or imagine. In God’s hands the music of our lives will echo with heavenly harmonies and sacred strains.”


    • Cheyenne, thank you for sharing in my joy over God’s work in David’s life and in our own! It’s often so different from what we dream, but God has a way of bringing forth blessings, even when His answer is “no.”
      God’s response to David is once again an example of His exuberant love and grace – beyond what we can ask or imagine. May you see His mighty hand of grace at work in your life, dear sister!

    • Praise God! For He is the One who brought it all to be. God is so good, even when we can’t see it at the time, we can trust that He is good. Yes, our son is a precious gift! So thankful God moved all these circumstances in our lives to give us a son!

    • I agree, Melissa! God’s plans are always best. As He leads, we can’t always see what is up ahead and things can be painful or tough at times, but God knows best. May we look back to see His beautiful blessings when we can’t see them at the moment.

  2. Love this! We have this in common…..I have four biological sons, but adopted four sisters in one big swoop, and forever have been changed! It’s not always easy. In fact, sometimes just down right hard, but it happens with kids, whether adopted or not. Love the story!

  3. Such a beautiful and moving story. Thank you for making an incredible difference in a young man’s life. When we learn to walk through the doors that God opens for us, life will never be the same. It might be scary or challenging or both but in the end, it will always be the best. Thank you Jesus.

    • It’s true, Yvonne. God opens doors that lead to incredible places and life will never be the same. God always stretches us farther than we would choose, but He accomplishes things in our lives we could never do without Him. How beautiful is our God!

  4. Again, a lovely blog to warm my heart. You love your adopted son as your own…because he IS your own. A beautiful gift from God. Who could possibly ask for more? Thank you for putting another happy smile on my face. God be with you always

    • God bless you, Jimmy! You always have a word of encouragement for me. I agree – each of our children are beautiful gifts from God and yes, our son is our son! May we rest in God and His plans when we can’t understand doors that are closed in our lives. He brings about His glory and our good day by day.

  5. Melissa, this is just as precious as you are. I don’t think I knew about your adoptive son. I just love this, the photos, and your tender heart to the Lord’s leading. I do admit, it’s not easy to keep moving forward in life or in ministry when a door suddenly closes or something comes to a screeching halt. Especially if that “something” is what I wanted and desired. But the Lord is teaching me that His goodness and love are also wrapped up in His providence and sovereignty. I desire to trust Him and His heart no matter what. And I want to praise the Lord like David.

    • Awww, thank you, Karen, for the kind words. God has blessed us richly with our children, both biological and adoptive. You are spot on: “His goodness and love are also wrapped up in His providence and sovereignty.” His heart of love and truth is bigger than mine, so may I rest in His plans more and more, even when it’s difficult, painful or hard to understand. May we praise the Lord Jesus, come what may!

  6. Oh, what a beautiful story of obedience this is! Thank you for this reminder that just because God closes a door to one thing, that doesn’t mean He is wanting us to suffer from His decision. It just means He has something greater in mind for us! And we might not ever understand what that greater is this side of Heaven. But it sounds like He most definitely shared it with you!

    • Emily, I appreciate your insights. Obedience is key in our relationship with God. He is not closing doors in our lives to cause us to suffer. Christ did the worst suffering for us. Though things may be difficult for a time, one day we will see His plans are always for His glory and our good. Sometimes, we have the bonus of seeing grand design in this life. But you are right, sometimes we have to wait until heaven for that revelation. But one thing we know, God is holy and good. May we rest in that truth and hope!

    • The Lord truly blessed us with all three children! Our two biological daughters are a wonderful blessing and our adoptive son is just as wonderful! So grateful to God for the privilege of being a parent to such precious children. And it is a sweet blessing to have children added to our family in more than one way. I pray that I will be able to remember David’s story and God’s story in my own life, when future doors are closed. For truly, God is good!

    • God does lead and bless when we surrender and look to Him for help and guidance. He brings forth blessings beyond our imagining! Thank you for reading and for offering a kind word of encouragement. Bless you!

  7. You are an amazing woman of God. I love your heart and I love what God has done through your life. You exemplify the love of God! I think your story of family is awesome. Most certainly when God closes a door another one will open. We must trust Him and the process. Thank you for sharing your story. So good!

    • Lisa, I am humbled by your kind words. Thank you! I am grateful for any way that God has been able to work through me and my family. All glory to God who is able to work with frail and broken people like me. Honestly, my husband and children have also made of this possible and I am grateful for each of them, as well. May we be willing to accept the closed doors that come our way, knowing that our God is good and His plans are above ours. Bless you!

  8. Oh Melissa, my eyes are flowing with tears at this beautiful God-story! His ways truly are higher than ours (and that chapter of Isaiah 55 is my “life passage.) What a precious gift of weaving that He brought to your family. I was so moved by these words, as they fit so well with my post from last week: “For maybe, just maybe, God is orchestrating a symphony of experiences using instruments and people we cannot yet see or imagine.” We just cannot see the ways that He is working underneath the surface and behind the scenes. He is so very good. Thank you for sharing this gift of encouragement. Bless you!

    • Dear Bettie, thank you for this kind and heartfelt response! We cannot see God’s hand at work, but when we look at Jesus, we can see how closed doors and closed graves are the times when we are the only ones who can’t see. God is still alive and moving and He will have the final word! I love how the Lord weaves so many of our writing ideas together. It’s a Holy Spirit touch. Bless you!

    • Thank you, Linda! Glory to our wonderful God! How he surprises us with people and experiences we could never plan out for ourselves. He keeps moving us from glory to glory, from faith to more faith. Move on, oh God of glory!

  9. Melissa, thank you so much for sharing this! It’s hard when God closes a door, but we can’t see what his plan is. It’s always better than ours! Bless you and your family of 5.

    • Dear Pam, thank you for taking the time to read and offer a word of encouragement! It can be so difficult in the moment, when we can’t see something good coming of this door that has been closed on us. May we rest in the peace of a loving Savior, who wants to bring forth glory we can’t see or imagine, for His kingdom and for our good. Bless you, Pam!

    • Yes, Angelica, it is true. God is good! And His will for us includes the ultimate good, which is always drawing near to Him, come what may. May we run to Him with all the strength of our hearts, for He is our blessing! May God continue to bless you and yours in the year ahead!

  10. A wonderful message of hope. I have to admit that I have not always responded in the best way when things didn’t go as I planned. However, now I can look back and see how He was working things out perfectly. Thanks Melissa.

    • Thank you, Bruce, for reading and sharing your insights! Glory to God! It is not easy to surrender to God’s way when it’s not what we are expecting. I have struggled with this, too. As we remember all He has done in our lives, may we rest in Him, recalling the many times He has opened doors to beautiful places we would never have conceived. God bless you, Bruce, and each step you take in Christ!


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