New Year, New Life

By Melissa McLaughlin

We all love to get new things. The new journal has fresh clean pages with no smudges or bent corners. The new pencil is full length and topped with a perfect, unused eraser. The new clothes have no stains, tatters or frayed edges.

When we stand at the cusp of a new year, it too, has its own special charm. Many people determine to work toward healthier habits or plan to accomplish a particular goal.

As we look ahead to the upcoming year, we have 365 blank sheets of paper that will add up to another chapter of our lives. How will we fill these pages?

Perhaps one of the most important points to remember is simply that we have the gift of life. And that is no small gift. We all have loved ones who are no longer walking through life with us into this year ahead. The breath that fills our lungs, the beating of our heart, the blood that runs through our veins is a gift from God. The gift of life.

The Gift of Life

When we pause to consider the existence of life itself, it is a deep wonder to behold. To think that a small seed can be placed in the ground, and given the proper moisture and sunlight, will burst forth into the new life of a plant, flower or tree. From a colorful zinnia, to a leafy cucumber plant to a towering Sequoia tree. All these from a tiny seed? How is that possible?

When we ponder the workings of animal or human life, it is equally astonishing. How could a tiny egg grow into a fully functioning human being with all of its intricately, interlocking cells, tissues, muscles, organs and bones?

As humans, we have achieved many great feats, the invention of vehicles, airplanes, cell phones, computers and rockets, to name a few. However, we cannot create one living cell. We have mechanized copies of living things, but they pale in comparison. Though we are grateful for the robotic heart, the hearing aid and the prosthetic limb, they stand as our best attempts at simulating something that is far, far beyond us. Life.

The gift of life itself is a treasured gift, for we know we can participate and continue the life that is at work within us, but we cannot create this gift ourselves. Life.

Living things give evidence to One who can create life, the Living God. Incredibly, the Maker of all life, sent His Son, Jesus, to lay down His life in order that we could have eternal life. This adds to the preciousness of this life we live. How could One so great, go to such lengths, to spare one so insignificant? He spared not His Son, so that He could spare us. For eternal life.

The Choice of Life or Death

There were only three people who could choose life or death. The first two, Adam and Eve, were given the opportunity to choose life or death. They chose death, by defying God’s clear command in the Garden of Eden. From that point on, both Adam and Eve and all humankind were guaranteed one thing. Death. We could never live forever in the garden with our heavenly Father, for we were now tainted with sin. Our perfect, good and holy Father could not and still cannot allow evil in His presence or His goodness ceases to be good. As a sinful people, death was our only option.

But for Jesus.

Jesus was the only other person who could choose life or death. The One who was with God in the beginning, the One who is God, existing before all time as part of the Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus was the One who created life on earth in the beginning. When Jesus came to earth in the form of a human, He could have chosen life.

But Jesus chose death. He willingly laid down His life.

Why? Because God is just. And unlike human judges He will not negotiate His justice. He will not bend the truth, turn a blind eye, accept bribes or sweep things under the rug. He sees all and knows all. And the penalty for sin must be paid. That penalty is death.

Jesus died once for all, taking the punishment for all sin, for all time. On that cross two things were executed…absolute justice and absolute mercy. We could not pay the price for our sin-debt, so Jesus did. In exchange for our sin, He gave us His righteousness. That we could have life. By grace, through faith in Christ, we are cleansed of sin and promised eternal life in heaven.

New Life in Christ

Jesus chose death to give us life. New life. Eternal life.

Life is a gift.

Eternal life is an even greater gift.

An unspeakably sacrificial gift.

Given by an all-powerful, all-loving, all-merciful and holy God.

New Year, New Life in Christ

In this new year, may we never take for granted even one day of life and our new life in Christ!

Heavenly Father, how we praise you! You have given us all things. As we look ahead to this new year, may we be overflowing with joy at the gifts you have given! Life and eternal life. Such sacred gifts. Holy Spirit, may we begin each day with fresh wonder and awe at how great You are and how great is Your love. May the delight of being in Your Presence be our greatest resolution and pursuit, day by day, week by week, month by month, so that when this year comes to a close, we will see how You have written a beautiful new chapter, of new life in Christ through us. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Additional Resources:

The Sacrificial Lamb – Why Did Jesus Have to Die? By Melissa McLaughlin

A God Who is Both: Loving and Holy, Savior and Judge By Melissa McLaughlin

What if I let God be God This Year? By Karen Girl Friday

30 thoughts on “New Year, New Life”

  1. It’s an awesome thought to realize that Jesus’s death to buy our redemption gave our lives incalculable value. How will we spend that value this year? Beautiful thoughts.

    • What a profound way to express the inexpressible gift of Christ’s sacrifice! “Jesus’s death to buy our redemption gave our lives incalculable value.” That’s a powerful message. And I pray that we will have fresh vision to take it all in, that we may spend this value in keeping with its cost. God bless you in the year ahead, Stephanie!

  2. Such wondrous grace! God has been stirring in my heart to not only see the value of every life, but the value of all life this past year. I pray that my heart will be open even more throughout this New Year to embrace His value, His gift of mercy given for us. Blessings to you, Melissa!

    • Wow, God just goes deeper and deeper with His call to love and cherish His gifts, especially the gift of life. Bettie, this touches my heart deeply, for I know you spend many of your days in deep, chronic pain. You are so precious to Him, as you love Him through the pain. Praying He will continue to use you and your gifts, displaying His value of you in new ways in the coming year. Blessings and love to you, Bettie!

  3. The newness of life,…given each day that we are blessed to wake up in the cherished security of knowing Christ Jesus as our Savior. Each day, new mercies I see, as I look forward in awe, I also look back with thanksgiving. “New” can be daunting and stressful for a time, but trusting in God’s love, promises and his Son produces life eternal. Praying for a joy-filled New Year as we experience more of his presence with every new day! Thank you for your encouraging, and spirit led messages filled with God’s Word!

    • Yes, my friend, the newness of life in Christ is such an abundant gift that overflows into every other area of our lives, giving us peace, hope and joy, come what may. I pray we see Jesus in all His glory, with clearer and clearer vision, that we may run toward Him with all the love in our hearts. For all the blessings He provides here and now, we know the best is yet to come! God bless your days to come!

  4. I love this post, Melissa. I’ve never made the connection before that only three people had the choice for death or life. I’m so thankful Jesus chose death to give us new life. This is beautiful:

    Jesus chose death to give us life. New life. Eternal life.
    Life is a gift.
    Eternal life is an even greater gift.
    An unspeakably sacrificial gift.

    Thank you, Jesus!

    And how kind of you to share my blog article as a resource. I’m honored. Thanks so much!

    • Thank you, Karen, for your gracious support! Glory to God! I agree, it is truly amazing to consider that only Adam, Eve and Jesus had the choice of life or death. By choosing sin, Adam and Eve brought us death. Then Jesus, by choosing death brought us life. As we peel back the layers of God’s plan of redemption, it unfolds with more and more beauty. There is no end to the depths of His marvelous love and grace! Your heart for Jesus always buoys mine. Praying for a blessed year ahead for you and your family!

  5. Amen, Melissa. Praise God that Jesus chose death and praise Him for life. I pray I can live each day in remembrance of Him who gave His all for us. May I honor Him with my life.

  6. We are so blessed! Not only do we have this precious life, but we have new life in Christ for all eternity. It is a gift we must use wisely, and not waste our time on foolish things.Each day as we open this book of life, we must ask for God’s counsel…only He knows the best use of our time. With His blessing we can move confidently into the New Year…every day of the year!

    • We are so abundantly blessed by our loving Father God! I pray we can become more and more aware of the precious gift of life, and even more so life in Christ! Many blessings to you and yours in the year ahead, dear Yvonne!

  7. Thank you for that powerful and saving 🙏 message. I have accepted Jesus Christ this year. Pray for me to remain in his arms.

    • Dear brother Robert, I am rejoicing with you, along with all the angels in heaven! Best decision ever, for every single one of us who accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior! I am lifting you in prayer right now.
      Heavenly Father, we praise you for your goodness and love toward us. We thank you for sending Jesus to die for our sins that we could be in a right relationship with you. I lift up my brother Robert today in prayer. Father, you see his heart and you know him better than anyone else. Holy Spirit, draw him ever closer to you. Help him know you better by reading the Bible. Help him connect with you in prayer. Guide him to other believers who will help him to stay strong, as he seeks to walk in Christ, day by day. Bless every part of his life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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