My Prayer for the World at Such a Time as This

By Melissa McLaughlin

We are living in a time we could never have imagined. The world and its systems have come to a screeching halt. Businesses, schools, churches, activities, travel have all been put on hold. In a matter of weeks, the coronavirus pandemic turned the spotlight on the fragility of our lives. The simple truth of our limited time is exposed, in plain sight, glaringly visible. All of a sudden, we are faced square on with the undeniable truth that we are but human, mere dust of the earth.

With this new, yet longstanding reality taking center stage, may we pray with fresh awareness that only God is God. Truly, our tomorrows on this earth are not promised.

Here is my prayer for the world at such a time as this.

Heavenly Father,

We praise your holy name! You are sovereign Lord, Creator, Provider, Savior and King over all. We stand in awe of your wondrous works. The beauty, complexity and intricacy of your creation testify to your mighty power.

When we see the sun blazing as the clouds dance across the vast blue sky,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we gaze upon the moon and stars glistening in the heavens at night,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we behold the majestic mountains towering in the distance,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we feel the weight of the indomitable ocean as it crashes on the shore,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we breathe in the sweet yellow fragrance of the sprightly daffodils,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we witness new life flowing through the tender shoots of grass and verdant leaves on the trees,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

When we spot the butterfly with its patterned wing and catch the song of crickets on a summer evening,

we say, “Great are you, Lord!”

Your creation sings of your glory. As we bring to mind the work of your hands, we are reminded that you are God and you are far beyond our fathoming. You are God and there is no other. You are God, there is none like you.

We thank you that in your greatness, you bestowed upon us your great love, through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus, for living a perfect, sinless life so that you could then lay down that life to atone for the sins of the world. An eternal gift of righteousness given to us, unrighteous and frail dust of the earth, that if we place our faith in you, we can become children of the Most High God. An unimaginable blessing of mercy, grace, justice, love and forgiveness. That One so great would love ones so small, bridging the otherwise unscalable chasm between a holy God and a sinful people. Thank you, Jesus.

Take the meager offerings of our lives, our love and our gratitude. Forgive us of our sins and help us become more like you, Jesus. Give us hearts of compassion, willing to forgive others as you have forgiven us.

In this time of worldwide illness, we pray for you to send a sweeping wave of your healing touch, through the power of your Holy Spirit. Bring wholeness and restoration in such swift and grand measures that many will see your miracle-working power and give you the glory. We pray against any attacks of the enemy. May Jesus shine brighter over all.

Protect, strengthen and encourage all the workers who are sustaining us during this difficult time. Send your comfort and peace to all who are anxious, lonely or grieving.

Move in power, Holy Spirit. Move in the hearts, minds and wills of your people. Open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears and soften hearts, that multitudes recognize Jesus as Lord and cry out to be saved. May we bow down before you and repent of our self-serving ways. Breathe new faith into flickering embers. Stir up the fire of belief in Christ and His finished work on the cross. Bring many souls into a life-changing, vibrant and eternal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Flood our hardened hearts with a Christlike gentleness and tenderness toward all humanity, that we desire to work together to help and heal all who are sick or hurting. Bring about your kingdom plans in us and through us. Call to us, Father God. Give us spiritual ears to hear, tuned to your Word, your Spirit and your Son. Give us a hunger to be still and know that… You. Are. God.

We see your mighty power in all creation. We see your power to redeem what is broken, lost and sinful through the rescue work you have carried out with your people, as recorded in the Bible, through the sacrifice of your Son and through your living, indwelling Holy Spirit, at work in the hearts of all who confess Jesus as Lord.

Draw us nearer, Lord Jesus. Draw us nearer still. Let us always be captivated by you. Impress upon our hearts anew the fleeting timeline of our earthly lives and impart a clearer vision of you awaiting with a thousand tomorrows in heaven, for all who call on your name today.

We love you, Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Help us love you more. At such a time as this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Additional Resources:

How Did Jesus Pray? The Model Prayer By Melissa McLaughlin

How to Pray According to God’s Will By Melissa McLaughlin

Pray Then Like This (Matt 6:) By Dr. Bill Mounce

29 thoughts on “My Prayer for the World at Such a Time as This”

  1. Amen! The part of your prayer that gave me pause and even more praise was this,

    “Flood our hardened hearts with a Christlike gentleness and tenderness toward all humanity, that we desire to work together to help and heal all who are sick or hurting. Bring about your kingdom plans in us and through us. Call to us, Father God. Give us spiritual ears to hear, tuned to your Word, your Spirit and your Son. Give us a hunger to be still and know that… You. Are. God.”

    Amen all over again!

    • Hallelujah! Thank you for praying along with me, Marcie. May Jesus be exalted in and through His people! This is an opportunity for us to shine the light of Christ like never before. God bless you and your family, dear sister.

    • Glory to God! Thank you, Michelle, for the kind words of encouragement. May we pray more fiercely and fervently than ever before, so that His kingdom may come and His will be done in and through us. At such a time as this. The Lord bless and keep you!

    • Amen. Praying that God will move mightily during this time to bring physical healing, but even more important to bring spiritual healing and surrender to Christ. For that is the healing that will last forever. May God bless, protect and strengthen you, Ayush.

  2. A beautiful prayer full of biblical truth and blessing! Thank you for writing that out for us. I pray along with you, repeating what you’ve said as my own prayer to the Lord. God bless you, sister! Stay safe! Rest in Jesus!

  3. “All of a sudden, we are faced square on with the undeniable truth that we are but human, mere dust of the earth.” True, and well-said.

    Many of us are also faced with the new realization that our normal daily work is less important than we thought it was. It’s a good time to ponder on what’s really important in life.

    • Amen and amen! Very wise words, Alan. May we gain a true view of ourselves and honestly humbles ourselves before the Lord Jesus, our Savior and King. Everything else pales in comparison to Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. God bless you and your family, Alan!

  4. A lovely, inspirational prayer that draws us to notice the beauty and good that is around us, even in the hard times. That draws us to worship and celebrate God in both times of prosperity and suffering. I too pray alongside you, lifting my voice with yours! Blessings.

    • I have always been inspired by God’s creation and you make a good point – His beauty shines forth, even in the hard times. May we have eyes to see more and more of His hand at work all around and within. God bless you and your family, Anne!

  5. Amen! Great are You Lord! May we keep our gaze lifted to Him, through all of the hard things of this day. HE is above it all. Blessings to You this Holy Week!

    • Praising the Lord with you, dear Bettie! Great are You, Lord! Amen and amen. I agree with your words – HE is above it all! May we keep our hands wrapped in HIS unchanging hands. God bless you and keep you, dear sister! Blessings and love!


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