Finding Security in God Alone

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By Melissa McLaughlin

A Precarious Moment

As I peered down, my body froze. I was painting the dormer windows on the roof of our home. Though a small Cape Cod house, the roof was steep. 

I had propped the ladder against the roof and scrambled up. With my paint bucket and brush in one hand, I gripped the shingles with my other. This plan was not wise, but I was inexperienced and foolish enough to think I could tackle this painting job without assistance.

Once on the roof, I crawled closer to the dormer window. Realizing I needed to reposition myself, I turned my body to face outward, extending my reach to the window. Or so I thought.

Everything came to a screeching halt. Facing outward now, my eyes scanned the sheer drop to the ground. The roofā€™s steep slope felt like a launching pad prepared to catapult me.

I wanted to scream for help, but the muscles in my mouth clamped shut. My mind commanded my feet to inch toward the ladder, but my body would not respond. IĀ was paralyzed.

I sensed that even heavy breathing might cause me to lose control and slide off the roof. So, there I shivered on the precipice, clinging like a mountain climber without a rope.

God, My Lifeline

Out of options, I began to pray. ā€œGod, help. God, help me.ā€

Thatā€™s about all I could come up with. No great theology. No well-formed thoughts. Just a cry for help. To the only One I knew could help.

I canā€™t remember how long I waited, immobile and petrified. But eventually, my dad arrived, planning to help me paint that day. 

Looking back, I can laugh now. Dad called to ask why I was perched on the roof just sitting there. 

ā€œIā€™m stuck,ā€ I shouted.

ā€œWell, move your feet to the ladder and climb down,ā€ he stated calmly as if this was any other day. Didnā€™t he realize I was about to die?

ā€œI canā€™t move. My body is locked because the roof is too steep. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll fall.ā€

After a few more encouraging words from my dad, I clutched the roof and quivered down the ladder. The solid ground beneath my feet was a relief to my trembling soul.

This whole episode could have been avoided if I had waited for my dadā€™s help. Fortunately, I learned a few things, and the lesson stuck with me.

Where Do We Find Security Today?

As I look around the world today, it appears much like that day on the sharp-inclined roof.

We have few guarantees. Our health, jobs, homes, families, and finances can shift and collapseĀ without notice. Even many churches are adrift, following cultural trends over Scripture.

When I pause to consider my existence, I see that everything in life is uncertain, and ultimately insecure. 

Everything, except God. The God of the Bible.

Finding Security in God Alone

When I place my trust in God, my soul is anchored firm. I rest secure in Him.

For in Christ, the penalty for my past sins was paid. Through His indwelling Spirit, I have a Comforter and Counselor to lead me through these present days. As a blood-bought child of God, my future is secure. I am adopted into His family and assured of my place in heaven. 

Forever, I am safe in Godā€™s hands. No earthly harm can touch the divine Rock of ages who holds me steady and secure.

Do you have an experience when you cried out to God in desperation? 

Because of Christ, though the frail and shaky world teeters around us, we are at peace. 

For the One who holds all things holds you and me. In Christ, we are secure.

Psalm 62:1-8In God alone my soul finds rest; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress; I will never be shaken.

How long will you threaten a man? Will all of you throw him down like a leaning wall or a tottering fence? They fully intend to cast him down from his lofty perch; they delight in lies; with their mouths they bless, but inwardly they curse.

Rest in God alone, O my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor rest on God, my strong rock; my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge.

Other posts you may enjoy:

Standing on the Rock in the Storm

This is My Father’s World

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37 thoughts on “Finding Security in God Alone”

  1. Oh my! A steep roof can be intimidating. I’ve experienced times of fear when all I could do was call out “Help me, Lord. Help me, Lord.” He answered and His calm filled my body. I’m thankful we can call on God. Have a blessed day! šŸ™‚

    • It’s true, Melissa. I was terrified on that steep roof. In those fearful moments when all we can say is, “Help me, Lord,” He hears and responds. Our God is faithful and compassionate. God bless you!

  2. Hi Missy, You my story (but not all the details) I cried out to God daily for almost 2 years going through my divorce. God NEVER failed me. He encouraged me through it all to keep moving forward towards Him. He wanted me to keep my eyes focused on Him and not the waves crashing around me. By keeping my eyes focused on Him and not my circumstances He was able to guide me through a difficult situation and grew my spiritually along the way. My crying out to my Savior was simply “Not my Will but Your Will be done, Show me the Way Lord”.

    • Pat, thank you for sharing this moving testimony. Your heartbroken cry to the Lord was a lifeline keeping you tethered to the God of healing and restoration. What a gift to come to Him in complete surrender. Praise God, he drew you closer to Him and guided you through day by day. Two years is a long time to cry out to the Lord. What mercy, He kept you close to Him through it all. I love your prayer, “Not my will but your will be done, show me the way, Lord.” God bless you, Pat! I pray many others will be strengthened by your faith and God’s faithfulness.

  3. God, My Lifeline

    Out of options, I began to pray. ā€œGod, help. God, help me.ā€ <I am so guilty of doing this. Instead of asking God for help, first, I ask when I am "Out of options." Lord, may I turn to You FIRST in everything I do. In Your Name, AMEN!

    • Amen to that prayer, Chebba! I am also guilty of crying out to the Lord when I am out of options. Lord, keep our eyes on Jesus and our hearts turned to you, to lead the way in all we do.
      God bless you, Chebba!

  4. You are really brave. I canā€™t imagine climbing a ladder onto that steep roof to paint your windows. Kudos to you for bravery.
    What an amazing answer to your prayer; God sent your father.
    Your earthly father and your Heavenly Father were your security that day. Praise God for His care over you.

    I remember an incident in our car a couple years ago. We hit a patch if black ice. I called out aloud to God as we continued to spin out of control. I could feel the car tipping over. And there was a drop off in the direction which we were heading.
    God miraculously slowed our spin and kept us from going over the ledge.
    I will never forget that night. I know God sent His angels to save us from
    what could have been a deadly crash.
    I praise God for His watch care over us too.

    • Wow. Mary Anne, that is a frightening story. Thank God, he protected you! In situations like that, we are truly out of control. But not God, who is in total control. Though I wish we could avoid such situations (and in my case, I could have!), it reminds us that God alone is in control. He is a miracle-working God and He is mighty to save! He sent His angels to save you that night. What an incredible memory of God’s intervention. We rest secure in His hands.
      I love the connection you made to my earthly father, sent by my Heavenly Father. He works His wonders in so many ways!
      God bless you and your family!

  5. God is my refuge and my strength, a very present help in trouble. I’m glad you were safe and the window got painted. Where was your husband at this time? I hope he wasn’t out fishing.

  6. A very long read and worthy to read.

    I am edified and this has indeed strengthened my Faith and Hope in God. Many are the afflictions of our life but the Lord God will deliver us completely when we stick our Faith and trust in Him without looking back. Thank Beloved Sister Melissa.

    May God bless you and increase His strength upon you to continue to do His work.
    Amen šŸ™šŸ™ā™„ļø

    • Thank you for the encouraging words, Godswill Ibeka. All glory to God! You’re right, we face many afflictions in life, but the Lord God is our deliverer. And He is mighty to save! May God bless you and your family, my friend. May He strengthen you for all He has called you to do.

  7. Gosh, Melissa, your intro story had me on the edge of my seat. I’ve always had a fear of heights. And while my husband has me on chair lifts and sky wheels for our YouTube channel, I’m still praying the entire time until my feet get back on the ground. But this is a great and powerful analogy. I love how you said, “For the One who holds all things holds you and me. In Christ, we are secure.” That’s what I’m counting on. Thankful the Lord is my strong tower and a secure fortress. God bless!

    • Karen, when I think back to that day, I still remember how terrifying it was up there. I can relate to your passionate prayers when your husband takes you on the chair lifts and sky wheels for your YouTube channel. You are brave! And that’s one way to encourage fervency in prayer! I have watched several of your YouTube episodes and I love it! You, your husband, and your cute pup are a welcome retreat from the chaos of this world. God bless you!

  8. What an amazing message and example of how God is our only hope and lifeline. We must wait on our father to arrive before we begin, what an incredible teaching for all of us. Thanks Melissa

    • Yvonne, that is a wonderful insight you gleaned from this personal account. We must wait for our Father to arrive before we begin. I should have waited! Thank you for sharing this powerful point with a spiritual lesson. God bless you!

  9. I think I started hyperventilating just reading your story. I’m terribly afraid of heights! I get panicky on a step ladder hanging drapes!

    But what a great analogy and encouragement. I think God allows us to come to the end of ourselves so we do rely on Him!

    • Donna, I understand, I relieved a bit of the panic as I wrote it! I love your insight, that God allows us to come to the end of ourselves so we rely on Him. Lord, help me lean on you BEFORE I climb to places I shouldn’t! Bless you, Donna!

  10. Oh, how many times have I quietly prayed these words, “Help me, Lord.” The mere fact that you even attempted such a task has earned you so much respect in my book, ma’am. It’s when we find ourselves far beyond our comfort zone that we find the greatest need of a Savior, isn’t it? Love this post Ms. Melissa. Thank you, ma’am.

    • Thank you for the gracious encouragement, J.D. You are too kind. Honestly, this was a crazy-fool thing to do. I know better now, believe me! Thankfully, God is merciful and is always willing to help when we cry to Him. Yes, being out of my comfort zone and in a danger zone made it abundantly clear that I needed a Savior on many levels. What a good, good Father we have. God bless you and yours. And stay off those barn roofs!

  11. I am feeling full after reading this post and some of the comments underneath. God really does lead when you surrender your outcome to what his outcome is for us! I too am guilty of just calling out to God when Iā€™m out of options but when my housing situation had no end goal in sight- I cried out to God on my knees in a private place and I am feeling so blessed in my house now!! God kept me close and led me to a place where I could get to know him more. God is good everyday, not just when he shows up for us but what a thing that he shows up and does something with our pieces

    Thankful for you šŸ’›

    • Theresa, thank you for reading and sharing your testimony here! God hears our cries. I am thrilled to hear how He led you to a place of blessing so you could know Him more and experience His love more deeply. What a good, good Father! Thankful for you! God bless you!


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