4 Ways to Seek God in Prayer

By Melissa McLaughlin

There she sat. The sunlight floated through the window like a golden sheet enfolding our gray-striped cat. I smiled at our cat’s daily routine. Each day she squeezed into cracks and corners brightened by any available ray of sunshine. On floors, chairs, even in the bathroom.

As the sun advanced across the sky, our cat sought new windows for her luminous delight. She sprawled across the sunbeam, soaking in every ounce of light and warmth. As I walked past, she glanced up through sleepy eyes.

After a quick search on the topic, I discovered cats love to sunbathe for good reason. First, the sunshine affords physical benefits. In addition, basking in the sun relieves stress and promotes positive moods for cats.

It struck me. We need to seek the Son the way cats seek the sunshine.

Seek the Son

Much like our feline friends find serenity in the sun, spending time with the Lord brings tranquility. Stress and anxiety dissipate as we absorb His Word and His love. Sitting in His Presence reminds us God is greater than our worries. His peace soothes our bodies, minds, and spirits.

In Romans 12:2, we read, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

We are transformed as we reset our focus on Christ through prayer, Bible reading, and worship. The battle of the mind is serious. The negative refrains cease when we replace those thoughts with God’s Word.

This transformation bolsters us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Who wouldn’t want to stretch out and rest in the light of Christ?

I desperately crave time with God. Through daily devotions, my soul is tethered to the Rock of Ages. Without that time with the Lord, I feel lost and off-kilter. But how do we keep our devotional time flourishing?

4 Ways to Seek God in Prayer

Although our cat enjoyed her place in the sun yesterday, she returns to those sunlit spots with tenacity. Similarly, no matter how long we have walked with the Lord Jesus, we need Him as much today as yesterday.

1.Pray for Desire

Therefore, we pray for an ongoing desire to dwell with Him. As part of my daily prayer time, I find these Scriptures helpful.

Jeremiah 29:13 – You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 119:10 – I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.

O God, stir a renewed passion to commune with You today. We need a fresh encounter with our Living Savior through His Word and Spirit.

2.Pray for Persistence

Further, persistence is a necessity. Like cats searching around the house for the slightest radiant crevice, so diligence and determination are required as we seek the Lord.

These Scriptures capture that unwavering pursuit.

Hebrews 11:6 – He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Matthew 7:7 – Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 

O Mighty God, give us zeal, fortitude, and obedience to seek You.

3.Take Time to Thank and Praise God

A grateful heart is a joyful heart. Pausing to name our blessings softens our hearts, reminds us of God’s faithfulness in the past, and revives our hope for God’s goodness to unfold in the future. Praising and thanking God re-bonds our hearts to Him.

1 Chronicles 16:8-11 – Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore!

4.Look at the Face of Jesus – Remember God is the Prize

As we meditate on these verses, we recall God Himself is the prize. Jesus loves us with an everlasting love. He is committed to our eternal best. We may not see His purposes yet, but we know He is good and His mercy endures forever. We have seen the cross. We can trust Jesus.

Therefore, let us turn our eyes upon Jesus. Reenvision His soul-wrenching sacrifice for our sins and His glorious victory over the enemy. He loved us to the cross and back. The Lord is good. He is worth it. Whatever it takes, let us run to Him!

Psalm 27:4 – One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.

Lamentation 3:25 – The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

Do you have a Scripture or a strategy that helps you thrive and remain committed to God? May we spur each other on in our most holy faith!

Other posts you may enjoy:

How to Pray According to God’s Will

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Why Do Cats Enjoy the Sun?

25 thoughts on “4 Ways to Seek God in Prayer”

  1. Thank you for this warm reminder of spending time with the Lord. He is like the air we breathe. We need constant replenishment which He is happy to give

  2. In addition, basking in the sun relieves stress and promotes positive moods for cats. <For humans as well. Sitting outside for about 30 mins and letting the sun shine on your face helps depression.

    May I ask what version of the Bible you are using?

    Today's blog was just wonderful Miss Melissa! Thank you.

    • That is a wonderful point, Chebba! We need that Vitamin D and sunlight, too! I use a combination of ESV, NKJV, and NIV. Thank you for sharing your insights and for the encouraging words. God bless you!

    • Good point, Jessie! We’ve got to include that, or better yet, begin there. I once heard that is one prayer God will always answer- praying for the desire to seek Him and know Him more. May it be so! Blessings to you!

  3. It brings my heart so much warmth reading this. I’m blessed to have a lot of love in my life but there were times when I didn’t. But God will love me my whole life and then some! Thank u for this beautiful passage.

    • Thank you for sharing, Rachel. I appreciate your heartfelt comments. Yes, when we feel we aren’t loved or we aren’t lovable, God is always there pouring out His love for us our whole lives. What a good, good Father! God bless you more and more!

  4. Beautiful, Melissa. And such a powerful analogy to soaking up the Son and spending time with Jesus. Amen to this: “Sitting in His Presence reminds us God is greater than our worries. His peace soothes our bodies, minds, and spirits.” Each of your points go hand in hand and help us seek the Lord.

    • Thank you, Karen. God uses His creation and His creatures to teach us many things. This little lesson from my cat caught my attention. She never grows tired of seeking after sunlight. May we always seek more of the Lord! Blessings to you and yours!

  5. Your blog is full of excellent advice. We need to seek God and His presence daily. It doesn’t come naturally. It is definitely a spiritual battle daily.
    Oh, but the presence of God is such a tremendous reward.
    I’ll never forget your cat basking in the rays of sunlight. I want to seek God’s presence in that same way.
    Thank you for sharing this Melissa. You are doing God’s work. Your messages always touch my heart.

    • Thank you, Mary Anne, for reading and encouraging me in the Lord. You are a great blessing! I know it may seem like a small lesson from a pet, but honestly, our cat never ceases to look for the sunshine. I want to seek the Lord with the same daily fervor. I appreciate your insight about our inborn resistance. You are right… it does not come naturally to seek the Lord and spend time with Him. It is a spiritual battle every single day. As we remember His beautiful rewards, may our joy outweigh our reluctance. He is worth it! Blessings to you and your family! And a belated happy birthday to you! May this year be filled with more of the Lord’s love in your life and in your family.

    • Thank you, Melissa. How we need the Lord! Like we need food, water, and yes… sunlight. As you well know, the animals have many spiritual lessons for us. This simple lesson from my cat was humbling for me. Cats never tire of seeking the light. May we never tire of seeking the Light of the world. Blessings to you!

  6. Love this, Melissa. You are so right that we do need to seek the Son like a cat seeks sunshine! The verse you shared, Hebrews 11:6 – He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, really stands out to me today. Thank you for this.

  7. Very nice point. Thanks, I enjoy your ministry here in Uganda. That’s why I have never thought of unsubscribing. God bless you so much

    • Thank you for reading and sharing a word of encouragement, Brian. I’m glad you are encouraged and have stayed on as a subscriber. I’m grateful for your kind support. God bless you and all our brothers and sisters in Uganda!

  8. What a lovely way to think about spending time in the Son. I pray to be more like a cat in my faith. Thank you for the inspiration Melissa


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