Nothing Can Hinder the Lord

By Melissa McLaughlin

My heart soared. We had attended a Christian concert with our then-teenage kids. The band’s voices and instruments swelled combining with the vast crowd to lift the name of Jesus through song. It felt heavenly. I watched my kids’ faces alight with divine joy.

Right then, I recalled another time when I sat in the pew of a quiet, country church listening to an elderly gentleman sing a solo with all his heart. The only accompaniment was a piano. Despite the humble setting, my heart was equally moved to worship the Lord. The congregants’ faces glowed with God’s glory.

It struck me. God accomplishes His purposes through many or few. Through modern and simple.

Our goal is to remain close to God and follow Him, wherever He may lead.

This lesson was highlighted for me again during a recent reading of Scripture.

In the book of 1 Samuel, the Israelites rejected God as their King and requested an earthly king to rule over them like their pagan neighbors. God relented and instructed the prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as king of Israel.

Unfortunately, Saul’s disobedience and lack of faith in God soon became apparent.

At the start of Saul’s kingship, Samuel directed Saul to wait 7 days until he arrived to make a sacrifice to the LORD. Then Samuel would advise Saul regarding next steps in Israel’s battles against their enemies (1 Samuel 10:8).

Regrettably, Saul waited partway through the 7th day, but did not wait until the end of the 7th day. Saul took matters into his own hands. Saul’s weak faith in God was revealed as he rushed to make a sacrifice rather than wait until Samuel arrived because he felt the Philistines pressing in (1 Samuel 13:8-10).

This disobedience exposed Saul’s trust in himself and his timeline more than in God’s.

Samuel arrived on the scene immediately after Saul’s sinful, self-driven sacrifice. When confronted by Samuel, Saul made excuses and tried to justify his actions, rather than confessing his sin. Samuel told Saul his kingdom would not continue. God sought a new king because Saul did not keep that which the LORD commanded (1 Samuel 13:13-14).

Following this lapse in obedience, Saul took cover in the uttermost part of Gibeah, not daring to confront the Philistines, but remaining a great distance away from their camp (1 Samuel 14:2).

This is when Saul’s son, Jonathan, entered the scene. In contrast to his father’s lack of courage, Jonathan’s unyielding faith was soon to be revealed.

Jonathan suggested to his armor-bearer that the two of them strike a blow against the Philistines. His armor-bearer agreed. Jonathan’s full trust was in the LORD. For how else could two men fight against an entire army?

He told his armor-bearer, “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14:6 ESV).

Jonathan’s faith strengthened him for this gutsy battle move. He believed the LORD could save the Israelites using just the two of them.

So both showed themselves to the Philistine outpost. “Look!” said the Philistines. “The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.” The men of the outpost shouted to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come up to us and we’ll teach you a lesson.”

So Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, “Climb up after me; the Lord has given them into the hand of Israel” (1 Samuel 14:11-12 NIV).

Jonathan and his armor-bearer defeated many Philistines provoking panic throughout their camp. The LORD caused an earthquake, so the earth and the people trembled. The enemy forces scattered and melted away. Saul noticed the retreat and then rallied the Israelite troops to defend their nation. The LORD saved Israel that day (1 Samuel 14:23).

Israel’s victory was led by the LORD and sparked by a young man’s utter faith in God.

The battle belongs to the LORD. Yet, God invites us to participate in His kingdom plans as we follow Him in total faith.

God does not need our earthly prowess or military might to fulfill His goals. God is not looking for great numbers, just great faith.

He is the Living God, Creator of heaven and earth. One word from Him and it is done. Although God teaches us to walk in wisdom and godly counsel, may we place our full trust in His sovereign power and absolute authority over all.

Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few. May we throw our lot in with Him!

Can you remember a time when God proved His unstoppable power in your life?

O Lord, please increase our faith! Give us hearts like Jonathan, ready vessels for your kingdom work to be accomplished through us!

Nothing Can Hinder the LORD

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18 thoughts on “Nothing Can Hinder the Lord”

  1. Yes, many or few or one. It’s all in God’s hands. He just need the faithful. Great post and reminder, Melissa. And I love this story of Jonathan and his faith in this battle. Thanks for highlighting it.

    • Thank you for reading and commenting, Stephen. I had forgotten this small verse and Jonathan’s bravery in this scene until a recent rereading of this passage. It jumped out at me. Time and time again, the LORD shows His power through the faithful, more than the “great” in the eyes of man. God bless you, faithful brother!

  2. I love that verse. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few” (1 Samuel 14:6 ESV).
    It is so powerful and obviously true.

    • This verse jumped off the page and move my heart during my Bible reading time. The LORD is unstoppable! He will accomplish His plans! And He uses the small and unexpected faithful servants to show His might! Lord, increase our faith, so we are useful to your kingdom plans!

  3. I was very ill in 1988. A virus attacked my liver. I collapsed in the shower, and they gave me two pints of blood. There was no other medication; the virus (unknown virus, unknown origin) had caused viral hepatitis.
    My nurse said I was very close to dying. My Heavenly Father had other ideas.
    I have no explanation other than the Lord healed my body. There is no medical reason.
    I am very very thankful to God for healing my body. As I look back, I would have never gotten to know my grandchildren.
    Every day is a gift. Every single day.
    I thank God for His grace to me.
    Nothing can hinder His plans!

    • Wow. Mary Anne, that is a moving testimony of God’s power to save. He is a miracle-maker. Thank you for sharing this incredible personal story of God’s healing and saving acts that you experienced first-hand. What a gift! A gift of life, a gift of time with family, a gift of opportunity to tell others what God has done! Your faith strengthens my faith. By the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!!! Glory to God! Nothing can hinder His plans! God bless you and your family, Mary Anne!

  4. I got saved in 1995 just before turning 20. I was baptized and then Bible school in the fall and then it ended in end of May or berginning of June 1996. I don’t remember all the years but remember there were two girls and many events that made me step away from faith in the past. I remember that in 2019 I truly returned returned to the Lord, but will always count is as more than 29 years of being saved now. And now years later I have understood Jesus knew me before I knew Him and He was faithful and brought me back everytime. Nothing can hinder Jesus from using me for His glory even though me being disabled 10 years now after the cancer treatments. Thank You Jesus for saving me all those years ago and for You being Faithful and Loving. I love You Jesus and know I’m yours You having confirmed it many times.

    • What a powerful testimony, Fredrik. The Lord Jesus knew you, saved you, and brought you back to Himself. He is mighty to save! Glory to God! Thank you for sharing your journey of faith and God’s faithfulness to you. Your faith shines out, even after being disabled following cancer treatments. The Lord is using your life to point others to Christ. Keep shining!

  5. Melissa, such a powerful message! Amen and Amen to this: “God does not need our earthly prowess or military might to fulfill His goals. God is not looking for great numbers, just great faith.” So good! There have been times I also took things into my own hands instead of waiting on the Lord and laying them in the nail-scared hands of Jesus where they belong. I pray for great faith as Jonathan. God bless!

    • Thank you for your insights and support, Karen! Like you, I have taken many things into my own hands. When Jesus is already there waiting to lead with nail-scarred hands and resurrection power. Lord, give us faith like Jonathan! God bless you!

  6. Amen and amen. No matter what we fear or think makes a situation impossible, God truly is bigger and stronger. There is nothing he cannot do!


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