God Calls Us to Pray for Our Leaders

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By Melissa McLaughlin

A Memorable Prayer

The words stirred my heart. I had finished leading an online women’s prayer group when the email popped up. An attendee from the session thanked me for leading the group and prayed for me. She asked God to refill me for all I had poured out to uplift others.

Her prayer was not lengthy and did not include any three-syllable, theological words. Yet, this one-sentence prayer was a divine gift that buoyed my spirit. I still remember the impact of that simple email prayer.

God Calls us to Pray for Our Leaders

This experience reminded me of God’s directive to pray for our leaders. Whether the person is the leader of a prayer group, a Sunday School class, or a community soccer league, the pastor of a church, or the president of our nation; we are called to pray for our leaders.

1 Timothy 2:1-4 (ESV) – First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

At this time of strife in our nation, when many people engage in vicious speech aimed at one political party or another, at one presidential candidate or another, may we remember our mission. As Christians, we are called to a higher response. God instructs us to pray.

Why God Teaches us to Pray for Leaders

When we review key words from this short Scripture passage in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, profound insights are gleaned. Let’s take a look.

  • “First of all” – May we approach our day and these political discussions first with prayer.
  • “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings” – May we offer many types of prayer, including thanksgiving. Have we thanked God for our leaders today? We can’t thank God for anything they have done that is ungodly. However, we can thank God for creating them in His image and sending Christ to die for their sins.
  • “for all people” – Yes, that means everyone. Lord, give us a heart to pray for all people.
  • “for kings and all who are in high positions” – This is clear, God charges us to pray for our government leaders and all people in authority over us. Whether we agree with them or not.
  • “we may lead a peaceful, quiet, godly, dignified life” – Why? When all people, including those in high positions, turn to the Lord and make decisions according to His will, our lives are positively impacted by their godly governing.
  • “This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior” – As believers, we desire to please God. Praying for all people and leaders pleases Him.
  • “who desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth” – Through prayer, we partner with God who desires all people to be saved and know the truth of Christ and His Word.

Our hearts are softened toward others as we pray for their salvation and for a closer walk with the Lord Jesus. This endeavor keeps us humbly grateful for all God has done, is doing, and will do.

In addition, these God-honoring prayers help us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Scripture-based prayer lifts us above the earthly tumult to focus on a heavenly vision of the King of Kings and LORD OF LORDS who will return one day for His bride, the church. He will rule righteously and judge justly. We can trust and rest in His sovereign authority and Lordship.

May we be found faithful and eagerly awaiting His return.

In the meantime, our prayers of faith for EVERYONE, including ALL leaders, are our first action and most important words.

A Prayer for Our Leaders

Please pray with me.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your steadfast mercy which endures forever. Lord Jesus, thank you for laying down your life to cleanse us of sin and adopt us into your kingdom family. Amazing grace! Almighty God, today we pray for ALL people. Holy Spirit, soften stony hearts and open blind eyes to repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. We pray for salvation and a closer walk with Jesus for all people, including those who have hurt us or those who feel like enemies.

Father God, thank you for our leaders. We pray for all those in high positions. The current president, past presidents, those running for president of our nation, and all who govern with them or counsel them. Lord, they need Jesus more than they need anything else. Let them come to a saving knowledge of the truth. Let them live for Christ and make decisions that honor Him and the truth of God’s Word. We pray for our nation to follow you and be blessed with Christ-centered peace and dignity. This will allow for the gospel message to go forth to more people. That is your heart, Lord God, to see all people be saved in Christ. Let our hearts align with yours. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Other posts you may enjoy:

Why We Pray for Our Leaders

How Did Jesus Pray? The Model Prayer

How to Pray According to God’s Will

God Calls us to Pray for our Leaders

10 thoughts on “God Calls Us to Pray for Our Leaders”

  1. Amen. Thank you for this timely message. We are called to worship God, not people. When we place full trust in humans, there is no peace. When we place our full trust in God, we are covered with His protection and peace. 🙂 Yes, let’s pray for all leaders. They are human and make mistakes, as does everyone. Have a blessed week!

    • Melissa, thank you for sharing your wise and gracious comments. You are right, there is no peace when we trust in humans. They do make mistakes, like all of us. May we make it our priority to pray for our leaders. That is time well spent. Bless you!

  2. Here here! Prayer still changes things! NEVER underestimate the power and results of prayer. Well said, Blessings

    • Amen Pastor James! Prayer aligns our hearts with God’s. And nothing is outside His power to change. Let’s use our energy and passion to pray for our leaders! God bless you, your family, your church, and your ministry, Pastor!

  3. Love the prayer you included, Melissa. We often forget the Bible calls for us to pray over our leaders. Instead, oftentimes than not, we find ourselves complaining about those in positions of authority over us. I desire not to have knee-jerk responses to any leader’s actions or words, but to be on my knees in prayer over them.

    • Amen, dear Karen. Thank you for your heart and faith. I am always inspired by your desire to be true to God’s Word with truth, grace, and mercy. Lord, help us go to our knees in prayer for all leaders, whether in the home, a pastor, in the community, or for our nation. God bless you!


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