Pause and Take Time to Rejoice

By Melissa McLaughlin

Childlike Gratitude

The notes jingled in the distance. My children’s faces perked up, their eyes brightened, and the pleading commenced. The anticipation was palpable when the ice cream truck stopped in our neighborhood.

This was not quality ice cream, mind you. The ice creams cost $1. Our choices included sherbet popsicles shaped like Spongebob, ice milk that pushed through a tube on a stick, and chocolate éclair bars. But our children loved these summertime novelties and begged for them every time the ice cream truck made its rounds.

When we acquiesced, the kids’ exuberance radiated with squeals, grins, jumps for joy, and heartfelt thanks. Although buying a treat from the ice cream truck did not cost much or last long, this simple pleasure left the sweetest memories lingering.

Pausing to Rejoice

Throughout our lives, we bring many prayer requests before the Lord, for things that matter more than ice cream. We ask God for health, relationships, salvation for loved ones, wisdom for decisions, and deepening faith in ourselves, to name a few.

Sometimes we pray for small, daily graces. I was praying for rain for our region recently, as it has been a dry season. When the rain finally came, I listened for the sheer joy of it and thanked God.

Only later did I remember the enthusiastic responses of my children when they received the gift of an ice cream.

Where is my rejoicing, squealing, grinning, or jumping for joy when I thank the Lord?

Father, forgive me for giving you a quick nod for answered prayer, then going on with my day.

Pause and Take Time to Rejoice for Answered Prayer

I am praying for a heart of gratitude and spiritual eyes attuned to God’s daily blessings, whether great or small. Gratitude warms our hearts toward God as we remember His tender loving care. Additionally, our faith is strengthened as we pause and recount God’s provision in the past. Further, we are enriched with greater faith in God and His promises for the future. Gratitude is a massive faith-builder!

Father God, help me take time to rejoice at answered prayer! To remember and celebrate the wonderful things you have done! To offer childlike thanksgiving and jubilant praise for the blessings you shower upon me.

A Reason to Rejoice

Therefore, today I’d like to pause and share an amazing blessing God provided in my life. This answered prayer has been a long time coming. I’m thrilled to announce that I signed a book contract with CLC Publications! All glory to God!

Thank you first to Jesus! In addition, thank you to CLC, my agent, Dave Fessenden, and all the wonderful people who read my writing (that’s you!), pray for me, and encourage me! Thanks also to Kim Clark, for the professional photo (below), especially because I don’t enjoy getting my picture taken.

The book’s title is The Whole Bible Devotional: Seeing Jesus in Every Book of the Bible. It will be released in early 2025.

Thank you for supporting my writing and my walk with the Lord. I thank God for your faith and your kindness to me. May we keep spurring each other toward Christ, with all the energy and zeal of a child receiving the best gift ever. Because that’s what Jesus is!

I cherish your prayers in this publishing journey. The prayers of the righteous availeth much! Whenever you think of me, please pray for me. Only God can do this. If you would like to be on my prayer team to pray for specific publishing needs, please let me know. Thank you, friends!

Now It’s Your Turn!

We don’t get a book contract every day. However, every day God pours out His blessings. Please let me know your reason to rejoice. Do you have an answered prayer? Has God sent rain on the earth in your area or refreshed your soul in a special way? These testimonies are faith-builders.

Let’s testify of God’s goodness!

Let’s take time to rejoice at the great things God has done!

Psalm 145:1-6 ESV – I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.

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Melissa McLaughlin
Pause and Take Time to Rejoice

28 thoughts on “Pause and Take Time to Rejoice”

  1. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

    I rejoice with you! I appreciate you so much and grateful for your inspiring writings.

    May GOD continue to keep and bless you and your family.

  2. Just a wonderful devotion, Sister. Humbling and fantastic!
    I journal my prayers, but I cannot give enough attention to this matter of “gratitude.” As I was reading, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would help me to remember to praise and give thanks more. I do not want to forget this “that much.”
    As you ask for examples of occasions of the Lord’s eternal and….common & constant grace/answered prayer, this causes me to realize just how brief I can be in expressing gratitude – because He is prolific in His faithfulness. I am too focused on my next prayer, the next way He may bless me or turn a situation around, I forget about the mercy and grace from yesterday and last week.
    One day I’ll be out of this flesh that thinks about me so much and be with the One who thought about me before time began.
    So, I am just taking all of this in. I thank Him for this time of devotion and meditation through your gift, and thank & praise Him with you for this book deal + looking forward to the book.
    God Bless you Sister,
    Mike C.

    • Mike, your humble heart of devotion to Jesus shines like a beacon. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt prayers and journaling with the Lord. I know you are a mighty prayer warrior. God see your heart for Him. But yes, we always need to be contemplating how to seek Him more. And one important way is simply gratitude. May we jump for joy at God’s blessings and answers to prayer like a little child. Oh Lord, give us childlike faith! God bless you, your family, and your wonderful ministry of prayer. Thank you for rejoicing with me at what GOD HAS DONE!

  3. I rejoice when the Lord gets me out of the bed, Miss Melissa (aches and pains). LOL

    Congratulations on The Whole Bible Devotional: Seeing Jesus in Every Book of the Bible. It will be released in early 2025.

    “Seeing Jesus in Every Book of the Bible” < Yes!

    • Amen Chebba! Our gratitude should begin the moment we open our eyes. For we cannot “will” ourselves to live another moment. Every beat of our hearts, every breath we take is a mercy from God. The Lord bless you and your family! Thank you for helping me offer up praises to God for the book He is bringing to pass!

  4. Great article, Melissa! (As usual!)
    We very often forget to thank God for the answered prayers in our lives. The picture of your children taking delight in their ice cream will always be a reminder to me to thank God with a grateful heart! For everything!
    I think I am most grateful for all the years God has allotted me on this earth. I celebrated my 80th birthday in May. Although I am nearing Heaven’s gates, I still have a deep love for life here and now. I thank God for the gift of each day.
    I’ve had so many blessings on this journey. I need to remember your lesson on childlike gratefulness.
    I want to jump and shout for the blessings of the Lord all these years!
    They are so much better than even an ice cream treat.
    I should be shouting hallelujah!

    • Hallelujah! I’m joining you, Mary Anne. Believe me, I needed this message of gratitude for myself. May we keep encouraging each other to focus on Jesus and jump for joy at His overwhelming blessings! The blessing of long life is a big one. You get the blessing of watching you family grow, both children and grandchildren. And all these years with your faithful and godly husband, that is awesome! Further, God is using your life and your faith to strengthen the faith of your children and grandchildren. You are blessed, for sure! Let’s shout hallelujah together! May the Lord fill your heart and lips with praises for all God has done!

  5. Congratulations to you. I’ll pray for you. Not to long time ago I went through a hard time when I had a hard time praying but our Lord Jesus was faithful as usual and helped me. Thank You Jesus.

    • Thank you, Fredrik, for your gracious words and prayer support. Praise God!
      Thank you for sharing your praise report. When we feel at a loss to pray, that is tough. I’m so thankful to hear that the Lord Jesus met you there and helped you. God bless you!

  6. May God bless you all. We are proud to stand in front of you for the good of the world and to bring the light of goodness to others. We follow your path.

    • May God bless you, Rejeev. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. May the Light of Christ shine in and through all of us, to bring His goodness and salvation to all we meet. May we follow Jesus with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.

  7. Bless his name forever.
    – Safety while driving
    – food and water
    – today’s rain
    – health insurance
    – new shoes
    10,000 reasons

    • Love this song, Warren! That is a good one to keep singing and keep remembering.
      Your list is a good start. I’d like to add to that: soft bed to sleep on, with blankets and pillows to rest our heads, clean water to wash with, sneakers and warm socks, the love of marriage and family, the blood of Jesus which cleanses us of sin, and on and on and on!

  8. Congratulations Melissa. Your book will be a blessing to many.

    I loved your analogy with the ice cream truck. We do need to be more like the children when God answers our prayers. Thanks for sharing

    • Thank you for the kind words, Yvonne. All glory to God! Thank you for encouraging me through the years. God used you to keep me going. You are a great inspiration to me! May we jump for joy as we remember God’s goodness and provision today!

  9. Melissa, I still continue to rejoice with you about your devotional and book contract! Such a God-dream come true. I rejoice over my children and grandchildren. And joyful the Lord answered a prayer for an extended family member to reconcile with me. Oh, what a Savior!

    • Karen, I rejoice with you, too! Praise God for the blessing of your precious children and grandchildren! And what a joy to experience reconciliation with loved ones. God is so good! Thank you for rejoicing with me about the miracle of God’s work in my life through this upcoming book. He can do the impossible!

  10. I’m so happy for you, Melissa! I rejoice with you and celebrate the many ways God is using you to shine His light in the world!

  11. I love what you said about how faith grows when we express gratitude for what God has done.

    That’s wonderful about your book contract! What an awesome topic. Can’t wait to read it!

    • Katy, thank you for stopping by to share your comments, faith, and encouragement! I pray we keep pausing to remember and thank God for His overflowing blessings. It builds our faith and increases our joy! Thank you for rejoicing with me for the book contract! All glory to God! May God bless you and your projects as you are releasing a new book, as well!


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