What does it mean to will and work for God?

By Melissa McLaughlin

The aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies wafted through the house. Our kids came running.

When my children were young, they loved helping make cookies. Chocolate chip cookies topped their list. They rushed to the kitchen to assist. Their eyes twinkled as they mixed the batter and stirred the chocolate chips. Small fingers scooped dough, rolled balls, and dropped them onto cookie sheets.

I popped each tray in the oven and the sugary scent swirled. Our mouths watered. When the tiny treats came out of the oven, children gathered around to taste the results. Gooey chocolate chip goodness melted in our mouths. Smiles, laughter, and joy warmed our home with love sweeter than any dessert.

As I look back on those days, I am reminded of God working through us to bring about the fruits of His kingdom.

Many Bible verses illustrate this Scripture truth. However, during my recent Bible reading, one passage jumped out.

What Does it Mean to Will and Work for God?

Philippians 2:12-13 (ESV) – Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

In the preceding passage, Philippians 2:1-11, Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation is highlighted. Therefore, these verses do not suggest we save ourselves. Our salvation is given by grace through faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross (Ephesians 2:8 ESV).

Work Out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling

So, what is this passage saying? Especially this phrase “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”

As we ponder the gruesome path Jesus walked to save us, we desire to live for Him. When we remember Jesus’ blood and anguish pouring down to atone for our selfishness, pride, impurity, addictions, greed, and envy—we are undone.

Jesus, I bring nothing to the table except my need. Yet, You saw my need and gave Yourself.

There is no other gift like Jesus.

Further, we do not fear condemnation, for in Christ there is no condemnation. Instead, we gaze at Him, breathless— with holy awe and reverence. We begin to grasp God’s immense greatness and the sacred salvation we did not earn but now possess.

We tremble at this divine offering. Free for the taking. Our only response is to love Christ with our hearts, souls, minds, and strength (Mark 12:30 ESV).

Consequently, how can we not “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling?”

God Works in You to Will and Work for Him

Next, let’s contemplate the ending of this passage— “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”

This phrase stopped me in my tracks.

As believers, God works in us through His indwelling Holy Spirit. He is our teacher, counselor, comforter, advocate, and the One who convicts us of sin.

What does it mean to will and to work for His good pleasure?

The Holy Spirit is causing our will to align with God’s will. As we seek to follow and know Him through His Word, the Spirit assists us in accomplishing deeds that please God.

This is not a reason to sit back in laziness and let God drive. Rather, we recognize the enormity of this wonder. The God of the universe, who formed every planet and star, who intricately painted the butterflies’ patterns, who spoke to the winds and the waves, is in us and helping us. He is willing and working out His good plans through us.

We love Jesus and we may desire to honor Him. But God is bringing it to pass.

Blessings upon blessings. Grace upon grace.

Yes, the expansive love of God makes me tremble. He formed our frames. He breathed into us the breath of life. He sustained our heartbeat day by day. He provided water, food, and shelter. Family, friends, jobs, and His kingdom family.

Yet shining out high above all blessings, He sent Jesus to save us. Through Christ, God absorbed into Himself the penalty for our rebellion. Then He arose in all power and dominion.

Jesus rules and reigns in heaven, where He intercedes for us. Imagine this. Right now, Jesus is praying for you and me. As if that’s not enough, He filled every believer with His Spirit to guide and strengthen us.

Through His Spirit, God endows us with the will to do the work that brings Him glory. And spiritual blessings ensue. The thought that God is in me bringing about eternal purposes causes me to tremble! This is a great mystery of God.

God has done it all! An avalanche of love and blessings drenching us daily. With more to come in eternity.

God Invites Us and God Helps Us

Like when I baked with my children, I didn’t force them to help me. They witnessed the outcome of the work and enjoyed the goodness of the cookies. They wanted to help.

With small hands, big eyes, and joyful hearts, they completed the parts they could. Overseeing and undergirding them, I ensured proper measurements and handled the hot trays coming in and out of the oven.

But the cookies meant more when we baked together. To me and to the kids. Working together meant we shared the experience and the results.

That is God’s heart for us. To share in His love and experience His power as He works through us. In addition, we anticipate rejoicing together in heaven at His kingdom harvest. The sweetest blessing we will ever know.

Do you feel like God’s plans are too big? Feel like He’s asking too much of you? Be encouraged, my friend! It is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. May this miracle renew your heart today.

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What does it mean to will and work for God?

23 thoughts on “What does it mean to will and work for God?”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful teaching Melissa.
    I want the Holy Spirit to guide me so that God’s will is accomplished daily.
    What a blessed privilege!

  2. As I read this it brought to mind past thoughts on this scripture. These thoughts were forgotten until I read this post.
    My thoughts were, “Is the first part a warning?” Is the scripture saying, “Go ahead, be prideful, do it on your own. And good luck with that because God has provided the only way that works.”
    I am not saying that’s what Paul intended but these were my musings on it.

  3. Amen to this: “The Holy Spirit is causing our will to align with God’s will. As we seek to follow and know Him through His Word, the Spirit assists us in accomplishing deeds that please God.” You are right – this isn’t a passive opportunity. We are blessed to get to be a part of this! We must jump in and work with God for His glory.

    • Amen and amen, Jessica! When I think about the idea that God is within me, causing me to will and work in alignment with Him, it motivates me to do more to please Him. The more He helps, the more I want to do my part. We are incredibly blessed to be a part of His kingdom work! It’s mind-boggling to me!

  4. Your words inspire me Melissa. Such a beautiful message of how God works through us to accomplish his will in the world. What an amazing blessing to be a part of his plans. Thank you

    • When I try to take it in, that the God of the universe is within me, helping me to accomplish His work, I am blown away. It really is incredible! God bless you, Yvonne, and keep using you in powerful ways!

  5. Funny how the little things in life, like cookies, can deepen memories and meld our hearts. God’s plan is sometimes big and sometimes small. Sometimes those little things are big. Maybe, to Him, none of it is small. God bless, Melissa!

  6. Thank you for this message and insight on these scriptures, Melissa. I’ve heard pastors discuss this passage about working out our salvation. And I like how you remind us the end of the passage says, “God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” I’m so thankful God does the work in me and BOTH to will and work for HIS good pleasure. Praise His holy name. But like you said, we don’t become lazy and expect God to do what He desires we do. We are a key part of aligning with His will and cooperating with His good plans for us.

    • Praise God! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and faith, Karen. It is truly amazing to think about this. God has done it all. From life, breath, sustaining us each day, saving us, and working in us to accomplish His good pleasure. He has done it all! Yet, as we understand the depths of His unending blessings, may it spur us on even more to cooperate with His good work in us. May God bless you as you live for Him!

  7. “Through His Spirit, God endows us with the will to do the work that brings Him glory”.

    I am edified. You have really exposed me to deeper knowledge in knowing the will and works of God.
    God bless you immensely 🔥 and increase you in all endeavors 🙏🎉

    • Godswill Ibeka, I appreciate your blessing and encouragement in the Lord. May we keep spurring each other on toward Christ. God does it all from beginning to end! The Lord continue to give you favor and draw you closer to Himself.


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