By Melissa McLaughlin
The fluttering movement caught my eye. We had been hiking with our kids on a family vacation. Along the way, we observed lush green foliage. We leaned against towering trees and listened to a mountain stream tumbling over rocks beside the hiking path.
After finishing our hike, we stepped off the trail and meandered toward the car.
Our eyes beheld a wonder.
Butterflies by the dozens hovered over mud puddles in the parking lot. They paused to sip the moisture, then flitted away. We watched in silence.
Minutes earlier, we felt great awe on the mountainside trail with its grandeur and rushing waters. Yet, back in the parking lot, God’s creative touch emerged in softness and quiet.
The butterflies’ wings showcased a deep black hue. Tiny blue dots lined their lacy, yellow edges. Petite antennae poked from their heads like miniature radars.
These tender creatures brought unexpected delight. God’s living paintbrush stroked the canvases of their bodies. A hushed testament to His character, power, creativity, and attention to detail.
Gazing at these fragile insects revealed facets of God’s heart.
What can we learn about God from creation?
God’s Omnipotence
In contrast to the butterfly’s frailty, we recognize God’s unparalleled omnipotence as we view the universe. God positioned each star and planet in the heavens. He formed the earth and furnished the vast, roaring oceans with water.
However, this same Creator concerned Himself with the minute details of the butterfly’s wings.
God’s Attention to Details
God cares about the details.
God created this world with purpose, order, and divine interdependence. Each life depends on the other. Each detail aids in function and beauty.
When we reflect on the meticulous and marvelous elements woven into creation, we begin to perceive the depth of God’s caring.
Consider this—
- the symmetry of the ladybug’s wings and the zebra’s stripes
- the melody of the bird’s song and the whale’s call
- the uniqueness of the flowers’ aromas and the ridges on our thumbprints
To name a few!
These examples testify to God’s nature. Our Creator possesses an intense and passionate love for His creation.
God could have created sterile, operational machines. Instead, He designed the universe with precision, intricacy, and captivating beauty.
God poured His heart into the things He made.
God Cares for Us
As God cares for His creation, so He cares for us.
God cares about us and the details of our lives.
Jesus reminds us in Luke 12:6, that God sees the sparrows and they are not forgotten. How much more does He care for the people He made in His image and died to save?
Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows (Luke 12:7 ESV).
God cares about the little things.
God Cares About the Details
We may not always discern God at work in the world around us. At times we cannot trace God’s movements or identify His purposes in difficult seasons. But we can trust God’s heart as we remember Christ’s sacrificial love. His love for us is undeniable as we think of the details on the road to Calvary.
Therefore, we rest assured God cares about us and the obstacles we face. Sometimes we must lift our vision from our circumstances to witness His goodness in the beauty of the earth. If we cannot see His goodness in other places, we see it in the earth.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory (Isaiah 63:3 ESV)!
Look for God in the Details
In today’s world of strife and division, we can see the goodness of God in the details that make up our days. If you are able, pause right now and peer out the window. Is there a tree nearby sporting its green summer leaves? Perhaps a bird flying past with wings aglow.
Consider the flowering weeds by the roadside or the blades of grass that blanket the lawn. Each one is a touch from God. We see God’s passion all around.
God is in the details. Let’s look for Him. And be amazed.
How about you? Where have you seen God in the details of your life?
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Love the encouraging words ! Also love that God is in the details.
God bless you, Debbie! I agree. There is great encouragement to our hearts remembering how God is in the details.
I am thinking of the Monarch Butterfly; it’s a caterpillar-worm-looking thing that comes out of its chrysalis and is a beautiful butterfly. A totally different creation altogether; different colors, shape, size, the whole body looks like a different species and yet, it is the same. I see God’s hand in everything, everywhere. Thank You, Lord, for Your creation and Your surprises in Your creation.
Amen and amen!
Chebba, thank you for sharing your reflections. These are wonderful insights to add. Truly, God’s hand is in everything, everywhere. So many sweet and lovely surprises. It can lift our hearts to look for Him. God bless you!
Amen. God cares about every detail of His creations. From the big to the small, God’s creations are amazing. Have a blessed week! 🙂
God’s creations are amazing, Melissa! The beauty of God’s world has been a source of encouragement for me throughout my life. So thankful for the heart He pours into all that He has made. Have a blessed week! Hope you see some butterflies!
Love God’s creation, can’t remember if I saw a butterfly here. Love looking at the sky and the very beautiful nature God made and inso many captivating colors. I see God everyday and both know and feel very strongly He’s with me.
God bless you, Fredrik. God’s glory to scattered all around, if we have spiritual vision to see. Praise God, you can recognize His presence and blessings through His creation.
How lovely are the creatures and he cares about each one of them. We long for his return when all creatures will live in peace on God’s Holy Mountain.
What a day that will be, Warren! The unique details of each creature are wondrous. And they reveal more of our wondrous God. Yes, how we long for His return and all creatures will live in His peace.
Amen 100% agree Melissa. God cares about us so much that he even knows the number of hairs on our head. Loved your message.
God’s deep knowing and care for us is hard to take in. But we see the depth of His caring in the little things He has made. God bless you, Yvonne!
I love seeing all the birds, butterflies, flowers, trees, clouds, sky, stars, etc. in the summer. It’s my favorite season because I spend so much time outside enjoying God’s creation.
I think the Monarch butterfly at the beginning of your blog is a male. God placed two black dots at the bottom of a male butterfly. The female butterflies have thicker veins. Our God is specific about every detail.
Why should we worry about anything? No wonder Jesus said, “Oh ye of little faith.”
We can trust our God who designs every detail of our lives. I am in awe of our amazing omnipotent God.
Thank you for sharing the information about those tiny details on the Monarch butterfly’s patterns, Mary Anne. I did not know about the black dots on a male butterfly’s wings. Every little thing is created with intention and beauty. If we could just take in the magnitude of this. I feel like I am only touching the hem of His garment when I try to ponder it all. Like you, I am in awe of our amazing omnipotent God. May our eyes be open to see His wonders afresh today!
Amen! That verse about how He knitted us together in our mother’s womb always gets me. I think about the perfect detail involved in knitting, the focus, how everything must be just right. Imagine the care and love God put (and still puts) into everything. He is a God of the vast and the miniscule… God of ALL THINGS great and small!
Wow, Jessica, what a powerful connection. I never considered the detail, focus, and precision required for knitting and how that illustrates the Scripture of God knitting us together. I love your commment: “He is the head of the vast and the miniscule.” What an awesome God! May He bless you in all your ways!