By Melissa McLaughlin
When It’s Hard to Pray
I stumbled out of bed, bumbled to the kitchen, and floundered to make the coffee. My eyes strained to focus. My thoughts lumbered like a turtle wading through thick swamp mud. Every movement felt like a heroic effort.
Some mornings are rough.
Some days it’s hard to pray.
Are you like me? Are there days when the sunrise awakens you to weariness rather than refreshment? Maybe chronic pain exhausts you and causes sleepless nights. Perhaps sorrow’s weight sapped your strength—from a loved one’s passing, difficulties on the job, broken relationships, or other burdens of life.
You are not alone.
We still love God. But some days it’s hard to pray.
So, how can we pray when our words fall flat or our hearts echo with emptiness?
3 Prayers When it’s Hard to Pray
Here are 3 prayers when you struggle to pray.
1.Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.
In this simple prayer of gratitude, I focus on one thing—I am a sinner and Jesus died to save me. This prayer covers my greatest need and my highest praise in one sentence. These thoughts also reset my mind on heaven, as I remember the reason Jesus saved me.
Colossians 1:13-14 (NASB) – For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
2.Father God, show me how to glorify you, even in this place. Give me your peace that passes all understanding.
Sometimes we lack words for prayer due to long miles trudging through deep valleys. We are drained. When the diagnosis is grim, the casket closes, your job slips away, or your loved ones stray from Christ—we find it difficult to see God’s redeeming work in our lives.
However, other weary travelers long to see the light of Christ in someone else whose thorny path mirrors theirs. God allows this for His kingdom purposes. May God show us how to glorify Him in the valleys. May He purify us along the way. May He grant us peace knowing He is with us.
1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV) – So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
3.Holy Spirit, help me see Jesus. Revive my heart as I read the Bible. Let me see Jesus anew.
This prayer calls for renewed spiritual vision. As the indwelling Holy Spirit illuminates Christ through our Bible reading, Jesus takes preeminence and we gain increased inner strength. While gazing upon Jesus’ sacrificial love and powerful victory, we absorb and reflect His light. Through this perspective-enlarging prayer, God resuscitates our dry bones.
Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV) – And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
When I struggle to commune with God, short prayers and Scripture-based prayers help me reconnect with the Lord. I hope these 3 simple prayers resonate with you or provide a springboard for your prayers in difficult times.
What do you pray on those days you find it hard to pray? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let’s keep spurring each other on in our most holy faith. Jesus is worth it.
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Thank you for this message which reminds me that God knows what we need even when we don’t know how to pray. Sometimes, we can just sit in His presence and know He is with us. 🙂
I love this perspective, Melissa. When we can’t find the words to pray, just sit in His Presence and know He is with us. Beautiful encouragement! Thank you!
Praises! Anytime we come through a fiery furnace or two, is gives us a comforting ‘perspective’. Blessings
Amen, Pastor James! Those fiery furnaces are proving and refining our faith. His love remains, come what may! God bless you!
A prayer similar to yours that often rises in me when the pain becomes difficult is, “Thank You Jesus, that I can praise You right here.” It really is a miracle that He stirs praise in the hardest of places. Thank you Melissa for this great, faith-stirring post. Blessings to you!
Ohh, Bettie. Your insights and responses shine the brightest light. Because I know you are living this out minute by minute. Thank you for sharing your prayer when pain becomes difficult. I will remember that one for myself. “Thank You, Jesus, that I can praise You right here.” Praise lifts our vision. It is truly a gift to praise Him despite the pain. God bless you and keep you ever near Him.
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus!”
Love this, Chebba!!! Fixing our eyes on Jesus, changes our perspective and lifts our hearts.
In the dark of night, when words fail me, I pray the Holy Spirit will intercede.
Amen and amen.
I went through a prayer slump recently. I was surprised that it could happen to me at this stage in my faith life, but it happened! I found myself praying just like this as I took a walk in my neighborhood, and I experienced a powerful time with the Lord. I am sure these prayers you offer will help others!!
Thank you for sharing your faith journey with honesty and sincerity, Jessica. No matter how long we have walked with Christ, we can all slip into a slump with our prayer or devotional life. Like any relationship, we choose to walk by faith afresh each day. I love your ideas of walking and praying around your neighborhood. It allowed you to step away and meet with God in a new way. He is always waiting with open arms. May we run to Him!
These are wonderful prayers for those times when words fail. I appreciate you sharing them Melissa and I use them for those days when it feels like the world in winning.
Thank you, Yvonne. May we keep spurring each other on in our most holy faith. God bless you, my friend.
Melissa, these prayers are so good. I’m going to save this and I know who I’m going to share this with. We all have moments and days as you described and your prayers are a wonderful way for us to call out to the Lord even when it’s not as easy.
You’re right, Karen. We all have days and moments when we are at a loss for words to pray. May the Holy Spirit move through our sighs and moans to bring forth simple, humble, honest prayers that reconnect us to the Lord. God bless you always!