By Melissa McLaughlin
After a quick scan of the headlines, my soul ached. “How much longer, Lord? How much longer until Jesus returns? Why are You waiting so long?”
As we gaze across the landscape of humanity, it seems each new day ushers in greater depths of mankind’s sin. We witness violence, hatred, division, and indifference to the sanctity of life in expanding measures too deep to bear.
When considering Old Testament rulers and peoples, we recognize that earthly kingdoms displayed only brief flashes of God’s goodness through the ages. How quickly humanity’s sin-darkened hearts overshadowed the momentary glimpses of light.
From the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, our sin-nature cast blemishes on God’s purity in this world. The first family resulted in the first murder. Are we any different today? Have we made any progress?
Gratefully, God’s redeeming plan is being carried out. We read it in the Bible, as God patiently calls His people. We see it in Jesus’ blood-soaked body on the cross and His resurrection power in the open grave. We witness God’s miraculous restoration in the changed lives of believers.
God is moving. He is alive. He is active. God is advancing His kingdom purposes according to His timeline.
Although widespread wickedness and rebellion against God’s holy standards clamor for our attention, let us remember God’s heart and plan.
What is God’s Heart?
God’s heart is to save. He desires that all would repent and receive salvation in Christ.
2 Peter 3:9 (ESV) – The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
God’s heart poured out through Christ, His Word, and Spirit. Since Jesus ascended to heaven, the indwelling Spirit now empowers the church to function as the body of Christ on earth. We may not always see God’s heart in the world, but hopefully, we see it in Christians.
What is God’s Plan?
Mercifully, God yearns to save. However, to what end? What is God’s goal?
God seeks people willing to believe, love, and follow Him. To be His own people, a treasured possession. To be in fellowship and have a close relationship with Him (John 17:23).
Deuteronomy 7:6 (ESV) – For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) – But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Why is God Waiting So Long?
God is enduring the evil on this earth temporarily because He is still calling. He is calling people to Himself.
I am thankful God waited for me. And for you.
He is waiting until the last one who will turn to Him, does so.
As we wait, may we look to God with gratitude, hope, and perseverance knowing that one day, He will bring it all to a close. And we will see Christ in all His glory.
1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT) – No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared for those who love him.
Unfathomable joy, radiance, and glory await us. The affection we experienced here will be like an eye-dropper’s splash compared to God’s vast, unending ocean of love.
Why is God waiting so long to abolish evil, bring this age to a close, and reveal His new heaven and earth?
God is waiting because He loves. He desires to save all who are willing to join Him in heaven.
May we wait with gratitude and joyful anticipation. May we fervently pray for the lost and point others to Jesus. And wait for God, because He waited for us.
What helps you wait for God’s kingdom to come?
2 Peter 3:8-9 (ESV) – But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
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I can’t wait for our Lord Jesus to come but in meantime He gave us a mission command to reach all peoples with the gospel. His indwelling Spirit gives us power to endure this time and for us to work for His Kingdom and live our lives for Him as a testimony to unbelievers to see His love and joy in us and see we truly live for Him because what He did for us to spark a longing in their hearts to give their hearts to Jesus as well.
Amen and amen, Fredrik. May the Lord burn in our hearts with compassion for the lost and give us boldness to share the gospel while we have time. May God bless you in your street evangelism ministry and prayer ministry. May many souls be reached for Christ!
All so beautiful and full of encouragement, Sister. His Holy Word and what you say here at the end
“May we wait with gratitude and joyful anticipation. May we fervently pray for the lost and point others to Jesus. And wait for God, because He waited for us.”
A perfect prayer for me, I’d say.
God Bless,
Mike C
Thank you, Mike, for taking the time to read, comment, and share! May the Lord stir our hearts more and more as we wait for Jesus and pray for the lost. When I remember that God waited for me, it spurs me on for others. God bless you in your prayer ministry for others!
Great article Melissa.
God’s love for all mankind is the reason for his “seemingly” long delay.
We always need to realize that God’s timetable is not the same as ours.
As we wait we can trust a loving God to do everything He can to call every person to Himself.
Meantime, we need to work to fulfill His purpose in our lives. Part of that purpose is to tell everyone about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And we can also say as the Scripture says, “Even so, Come Lord Jesus.”
So well written, Mary Anne! May we wait with trust in our loving God, as we fulfill His purposes for us and tell others about Christ. At the same time, we can agree with Scripture, “Even so, Come Lord Jesus.” God bless you always, Mary Anne!
Thanks for the encouragement. God bless.
God bless you, Nancy. May our hearts be encouraged for God is good and He will complete His good plans.
I have to admit, Melissa, that sometimes I hope I have a little more time on earth so I can grow a bit more before seeing my Savior face to face. But I remind myself that He loves and accepts me as I am. He died for me knowing who I was and how I am capable of failing Him still. And He did this for others as well. May many, many more come to know Him personally before He comes again.
Stephen, your comment stopped me in my tracks. Wow. Why don’t I think more about how I can grow before I see my Savior face to face? Lord, help me love you more! Thank you for the reminder that He loves and accepts us and knew from the beginning how we would fail Him. May we press on to know and love Jesus more. May many run to His arms.
“God is enduring the evil on this earth, temporarily, because He is still calling. He is calling people to Himself.
He is waiting until the last one who will turn to Him, does so.”
Rest in Him while waiting.
Amen, Chebba. Amen. Such a good word. “Rest in Him while waiting.” God bless you always.
I’m thankful that while we wait for His return, we can find comfort in knowing we are loved by God. Have a blessed day! 🙂
We are loved by God. May that truth sustain us day by day. God bless you!
This hit me differently with a new realization.
He knows the very last person who will be saved and when and where and how that will happen. They have a name. And He is waiting on them right now. I pray for that person to come to Christ EARLY in their life.
Until that time, I pray multitudes will be saved. In the meantime, may the Bride, the Church endure and wait patiently for it.
To God be the Glory.
To God be the glory! May we grow ever deeper in Christ as we wait for others to join His kingdom family. And yes, may we pray! Pray with fervency. Lord, use our prayers and our lives to help others see Jesus.
God bless you, Sophie!
Amen and well-said (written). The verse about a thousand years being as a day came to my mind as I was reading and then there it was. It is so powerful when that happens. God bless you all as we await the coming of our Lord and Savior.
Amen and amen. The Holy Spirit affirms His message when verses arise from different people’s hearts at the same time. Glory to God! May He anoint us to complete His kingdom plans while we wait.
Good post Melissa 👏.
Let’s await His arrival. He is waiting patiently for more to get saved by faith. Meanwhile let’s spur on others by our assigned mission. Let the lost ones repent their sins , find true Grace and align themselves with a vision of the Kingdom Eternal.
Your blessed posts and daily tweets are eagerly looked forward to. Look ahead and move on in His grace . Thank you 🙏.
Amen Saji! Thank you for stopping by to read and share your feedback. You are a blessing to me and so many others. I agree, let’s spur each other on in our assigned missions. May we pray passionately for the lost to receive salvation in Christ. May God bless you and use you more and more!
Thank you for this heartfelt message, Melissa. Oh how many of us can relate to saying, “Come quickly, Lord.” Especially when we see the landscape of our world as you described. But this is such a powerful word, “I am thankful God waited for me. And for you.
He is waiting until the last one who will turn to Him, does so.
As we wait, may we look to God with gratitude, hope, and perseverance knowing that one day, He will bring it all to a close. And we will see Christ in all His glory.” Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Thank you, Karen, for your heart for Jesus and for His people. How we long for His kingdom to come and His will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Justice, righteousness, goodness, purity, peace, love, forgiveness, mercy, grace. Forever. May we pray passionately for more to come to Him while there is time.
Waiting patiently for anything is so hard! We like to be in the “driver’s seat,” often thinking we know best. Waiting is easier when we remember God has the full perspective. We only see a piece, but He sees it all.
That is the truth, Jessica! It is hard to wait for anything, but remembering God has the full perspective is a good place to begin. May we rest in His sovereign power and goodness.
Great message Melissa (as always). I do wish He would return sooner but understand why He wants to give more people the opportunity to believe.
I have to agree, Yvonne, I wish Jesus would return sooner. It seems things keep unraveling and drifting farther from God’s goodness. May we remain steadfast in prayer. And pray for the lost. God bless you!
Dear Tammy, thank you for stopping by to read and share an encouraging Amen!
God bless you!