The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder

By Melissa McLaughlin

“That’s not how we play the game! You broke the rules,” he chided.

“Who made you boss?” she glared back.

As an elementary teacher, I witnessed countless arguments on the playground. Many of these clashes resulted from one child striving to rule over another or someone breaking an agreed-upon boundary.

All too often, adult behavior mirrors the children’s schoolyard. The struggle to submit to someone else’s rules or governance is an age-old dilemma.

Beginning in Genesis, the first man and woman resisted God’s rule. The result? Mankind fell. Since that day, humanity has continued rebelling against God’s governing standards.

Why do we rebel against God?

We don’t like to obey anyone but ourselves. We desire to tell God—and everyone else—what to do. In short, we want to be God.

There’s one problem. Only God is God.

Living Under God’s Government

God is the Creator of all things. Every molecule in the universe holds its position at His command. Like it or not, we exist in God’s kingdom, under God’s rule. And He is the ultimate governing power.

Given the reality that God is in charge, how do we respond to His government?

How do we live in response to a God who is omnipotent and perfect?

Sadly, with one bite of sin’s glistening fruit, we align ourselves with Adam and Eve defying God and beating our tiny fists in the air.

How does God respond to our defiance?

Incredibly, God has not given up on us. He sent Jesus to absorb the penalty for humanity’s sin against a holy God. With bleeding brow, beaten back, nail-ripped hands and feet, and broken heart, Jesus stood in our place.

That is how God responded to our rebellion. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

Gratefully, the story doesn’t end there. For Jesus arose from the grave in all victory. He rules and reigns forever!

As we scrutinize earthly leaders and their fallen nature, let us remember, that God has a different kingdom with a certain, destined, sinless King. As believers, our citizenship is in heaven and we look toward the city that is to come.

Until that day, may we remember the earthly presidents, governors, and leaders will not save us.

The government will be upon His shoulder.

Early in Jesus’ ministry, He spoke of God’s kingdom.

From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand(Matthew 4:17 ESV).

We understand Jesus died for our sins and promised believers a place in heaven. However, Jesus also announced His kingdom. His government. His LORDSHIP.

Jesus demonstrated His Kingly power by casting out demons, healing the sick, forgiving sins, and raising the dead. In those moments, humanity glimpsed heaven’s glory. All that marred His kingdom’s perfection was removed and His holy government illuminated this sin-shadowed world.

If we squint through the cracked lens of our earthly vision, we can see Jesus even now through His Word and Spirit. That glorious government will be upon His shoulder.

We have a King. We live under His government, in His kingdom.

May we surrender to Christ’s authority over our lives. May we pray earnestly for others to receive Him as Savior and LORD. For Jesus is King. And His government is good.

What helps you remember the government is upon HIS shoulder?

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. ~Isaiah 9:6-7 (NKJV)

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The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder

15 thoughts on “The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder”

  1. Thank you, Melissa, for the reminder that we already live under the powerful Lordship of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
    As we have watched the horrifying decline of the leaders of our nation, may we “squint our eyes”; look toward the heavens; and keep focused on our real Leader. He is our King now and will reign as our coming King on
    this earth again some day.
    We do not need to wring our hands in fear and defeat.
    Jesus Christ is our King.

    • Amen, Mary Anne. Powerful words! A thousand hallelujahs!!! Though we walk in these earthly realms, we can glimpse a heavenly government and a good King. We are blessed to be in His kingdom! Come what may, Jesus Christ is KING!

  2. God Bless you Melissa.

    This jumped out immediately & I had to post it before I even finished this meditation. What a prayer starter!

    “May we surrender to Christ’s authority over our lives. May we pray earnestly for others to receive Him as Savior and LORD. For Jesus is King. And His government is good.”

    Much love in Christ Jesus,

    Mike C

    • God bless you, Mike! I appreciate you taking the time to read and share your reflections (and repost)! For me it really helps anchor me, when I reframe my thinking with the truth that Christ is King and He carries the eternal government of God. His kingdom is one of light, truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, love, and forgiveness. How great is our God!

  3. It is a constant struggle to remember to submit to God’s authority and stop trying to be our own god. We are blessed by His grace to forgive us. Thanks Melissa

  4. Looking at the world can bring a lot of unease into our souls. At those times it helps us to remember that kingdom that is coming under the rule of our Savior and Lord.

  5. Amen. As you say, “Given the reality that God is in charge, how do we respond to His government? How do we live in response to a God who is omnipotent and perfect?” Some of us find it so hard to surrender. But consider… surrender and submission is EXACTLY what we need to do. Who else is God except God?

  6. Love this, Melissa. Yes, starting at childhood, we resist submitting to authority. So I like how you said, Only God is God. Things and people make lousy gods. I wonder what our lives would look like if we let God be God in our lives, including submitting to His authority in all things. God bless!


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