Psalm 1 – Two Ways in Life

By Melissa McLaughlin

I love reading the Psalms. Every human emotion is captured in poetic song. In addition, the Psalms are packed with God’s wisdom, truth, and prophetic word.

During a recent study of Psalm 1, I was overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of this chapter. I must have read this Psalm a thousand times in the past. But this week the words leaped off the page into my heart. Join me for a closer look.

Psalm (ESV) – Verse 1

1Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

Verse 1 reminds us there are two ways in life. We can honor and obey the Lord or rebel against Him. Bible scholars note that the sinful options listed in this verse move from walking, to standing, to sitting. When we allow ungodly people to counsel and lead us, we may become indifferent to God without realizing how we got there.

While meditating on this verse, I remembered a hiking trip with friends when I was a teenager. We laughed and trekked up the mountain in the golden afternoon light. However, we accidentally veered from the trail on the way back down. With bated breath, we blazed through the thick woods as dusk settled. By God’s grace, we arrived home in one piece well after dark.

The lesson stands. Stick to the narrow path.

Verse 2

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

In verse 2, the believer is recognized by his delight in God’s Word. Like parched desert travelers, Christians long for soul-quenching satisfaction found only in God.

The “law of the Lord” in this passage refers to the whole counsel of Scripture. As followers of Christ, we understand that Jesus fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17), and He is the Word (John 1:1). Therefore, believers recognize the law of the Lord points to Christ, revealed throughout the whole Bible, both Old and New Testaments.

As we study God’s Word, we draw near Him. We see His heart and savor His character. Nestled close to God, we discover our soul’s delight, because He created us for union with Him. Only in Him are we complete. This holy connection swells our hearts.

Nurturing our relationship with God through His Word, Son, and Spirit, we experience His presence and our spiritual vision expands. We perceive more of God’s radiant holiness, unending goodness, and unspeakable mercy.

Additionally, the peace and hope of Christ are unmatched by this world’s shiny things. These divine gifts are deepened by reading and meditating on His Word.

I am reminded of the contentment that floods my soul when I step away from the world’s frenzy to read the Bible and let God’s Word soak in. Heavenly peace blankets me. Newfound life bubbles up. Like a child, I run to gulp from God’s river of life.

Verse 3

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

A beautiful analogy provides clarity in verse 3. Much like a tree planted by streams of water, the believer possesses a steady source of refreshment and nourishment, despite any drought in the surrounding lands.

Christians who are saturated with the living water of Christ yield the fruit of the Spirit and remain strong as they abide in the true Vine. A bountiful kingdom harvest results.

This verse brings to mind a willow tree that flourished near our church. Its roots sank into the swampy grounds near a stream. In summer’s heat when other plants withered, this tree drank of deep waters and stood tall, effortlessly waving lush emerald leaves in the warm breezes.

Verse 4

The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.

Verse 4 illustrates another Scripture truth through an agricultural example. The chaff is the outer shell of the grain. After cutting the plants, the grain is crushed and tossed into the air. The chaff weighs so little that a slight wind can whisk it away. However, the hearty grain falls to the ground and is ground into flour to make bread.

The wicked are directionless and easily moved by the currents of culture. Consequently, they are driven away from God.

Can you remember the force of a strong wind? During a recent storm, leaves were torn from our trees and whipped through the air like a puff of dust. May God’s Word anchor us, no matter the world’s gusts and gales.

Verses 5 & 6

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

The conclusion of this chapter is sobering. The final sentence reminds us there are two ways in life. We can follow the Lord or not.

Though many people prefer to avoid the topics of death, the afterlife, and judgment, Jesus did not (Matthew 10:28). The Bible is clear. God is just and holy. Those who choose evil and oppose Him will not stand on judgment day.

Gratefully, God is also a God of blessings. He calls us to walk in His ways. He blesses us with righteousness in Christ. A free gift to all who believe.

God reveals His gracious heart through His Word. He nourishes our souls and strengthens us for each new day. He gives us purpose, employs us in His kingdom plans, and calls us His own. He knows our ways and has prepared a glorious place for us in heaven.

What a wonderful Father God! Through Christ, HE has made the way. We need only believe and follow. What are we waiting for?

Here are 4 reflection questions that capture the essence of Psalm 1.

1.Who is influencing me?

This includes radio, TV, social media, news outlets, books, youtube videos, friends, family, co-workers, etc. Are these people helping us walk in God’s ways or hindering us?

2.What do I delight in?

Is Jesus our delight? Are we setting aside time to draw near Him through the Bible, prayer, songs of praise, attending church, meeting with other believers, etc.? Or are we inviting endless social media scrolling or lesser things to consume our hours?

3.Where do I get nourishment?

If we are feeling spiritually dry, how do we respond? Where do we go for refreshment and revitalization? How can we keep growing?

4.There are two ways in life. Which path am I on?

Are we drifting along by the world’s standards? Or are we seeking to know God and follow His ways? Which path is worth it?

Psalm 1 (ESV)

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Other articles you may enjoy:

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Sources used for this article:

Enduring Word Bible Commentary

Life Application Study Bible

Roger Severino – Brentwood Baptist

Psalm 1 - Two Ways in Life

15 thoughts on “Psalm 1 – Two Ways in Life”

  1. Before falling asleep I often quote some scriptures as I lay there. Last night, I repeated Psalm 1.
    My daughter has a one word saying: TIMING! We often smile when something happens at an opportune or an in-oppurtime time.
    This was no coincidence. The Lord prepared me by having me review that Psalm last night.
    We serve an all-knowing God.
    This incident makes me smile.
    We are “sisters” who n the Lord.

    Thank you for the beautiful break-down of Psalm 1. Since it is fresh on my mind, your explanations meant a lot to me.

    Thank you for your insight. I always learn from your perspective.

    I’m looking forward to your new book when it comes out. I’m sure some of these postings will be included.

    Have a blessed day, Melissa.

  2. 3.Where do I get nourishment?
    If we are feeling spiritually dry, how do we respond? Where do we go for refreshment and revitalization? How can we keep growing?

    As Peter said, “Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” I think of this response from Peter. (paraphrasing): Where should we go, to whom shall we turn to, what else is there, but You? For me, reading the Bible in actual, physical, holding it in my hands, is, for some reason, better than reading it on the internet.

  3. The psalm ends in profound sadness. The wicked will have nowhere to go. Lost souls. How sad. But the Lord knows the way of the righteous. Thank God for the righteousness of Christ.

    • It’s true. This Psalm is clear. We walk under God’s blessings and the righteousness He provides through Christ, or we will perish. Praying for more people to see the overflowing blessings God offers through Jesus.

  4. Well Sister, I’ve gotten into a habit of extracting one chunk that speaks to me the loudest from your devotionals.

    This time I highlighted a couple then had to stop. What would be the point of highlighting every word? Praise the Lord for this incredible study and meditation on the very 1st Psalm.

    Think I need more time in this. Something like “Christians who are saturated with the living water of Christ yield the fruit of the Spirit and remain strong as they abide in the true Vine. A bountiful kingdom harvest results.”

    God bless you,

    Mike C

  5. Your writing always captures me, Melissa! I love especially what you said about delihgting in the law of the Lord. As you say. “I am reminded of the contentment that floods my soul when I step away from the world’s frenzy to read the Bible and let God’s Word soak in. Heavenly peace blankets me.” YES to this! This is the true delight. We can get this no place else!

    • Jessica, I appreciate your support and encouragement. Your writing always captures me, as well. God’s Word is alive and nourishes our souls like nothing else. May we always run for a fresh feast! God bless you!

  6. I love the Psalms and try to read one each day for the encouragement and wisdom. I love how you broke it down, Melissa. Thank you.


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