3 Prayers for the Hurting

By Melissa McLaughlin

He heaved and thrust the shovel into the earth. With a sudden jerk, it lurched from his hands.

The landscaper had arrived to plant a new tree in our front yard. Though the lush grass appeared soft on the surface, a few inches below lay the stump of an old oak tree. Solid as a rock. Vigilantly, the landscaper began digging again. This time, he relocated the sapling several yards away, allowing room for new growth.

The concealed, underground obstacle made me reflect on our verbal greetings and passing conversations, which may camouflage deeper feelings.

Hi, how are you? I’m fine. How about you? I’m doing well, too.

Yet, beneath the bright smiles and friendly greetings, most people struggle with hardship and hurt. Sometimes the devastation is visible, like those recovering from recent hurricane destruction. Or those battling physical issues such as cancer treatments.

Other times, the heartache lingers just below the surface.

How can we help the hurting?

Are you hurting? Or do you know someone who is hurting?

What can we do? Naturally, we should help in tangible ways as much as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes our limited physical strength or finances hinder us.

However, we can always pray and should always pray.

Who needs prayer and what can we pray for the hurting?

I invite you to pause and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal someone who could use your prayers today.

We don’t need to know all the details. God sees. God knows. God can touch hearts and move mountains through our prayers.

Or perhaps you are the one who is hurting and yearning for prayer. If so, please receive these prayers from my heart to yours.

Whether you are praying for someone else or receiving prayer for yourself, please pray with me now.

Here are 3 prayers for the hurting:

1.God’s Peace

Father God, thank you for your steadfast love which endures forever. Lord, you see your child who is hurting. Let us remember you are with us through the storms. You will never leave or forsake us. Let calmness wash over and lift each burdened heart. Remove all anxiety and grant us a quiet spirit. Flood our souls with your peace that passes all understanding. Help us be still and know you are God. As we recall your tender care for the sparrow, may we reach up like a child to receive the extravagant love you lavish upon us. Let us rest in your everlasting arms of love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

2.The Love of our Suffering Savior

Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercy and grace. We bring our broken hearts to you. We lay our burdens at your feet. Our hardships and tears matter to you because we matter to you. Thank you for laying down your life to save us from sin and redeem us for heaven. Help us remember you are our suffering and victorious Savior. Remind this person who is hurting today that your body was broken for us. Your blood poured down for us. That’s how much you love us. You see our tears, and you weep with us. Yet, you arose from the grave and offer us eternal hope. May your love and power be a healing balm reaching the depths of each person’s soul. Give us a fresh vision of heaven where you prepare a place for us to dwell in your love forever. May your amazing grace sustain us. In Your name, amen.

3.Comfort of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, you are the great Comforter. Thank you for being our indwelling Counselor and ever-present Advocate. You walked through each rocky path with us, so you know our hidden hurts and battle scars. Console each weary person today. Soothe the brokenhearted and grieving. Be the salve for our wounds. Encourage, uplift, and lighten the burdens of the downtrodden. Inspire, reinvigorate, and refresh each soul with the living water of Christ and the nourishment of God’s Word. Remind us of God’s unchanging love. Spirit of the Living God, like a dove from heaven, shelter us under the Most High and enfold us in your wings. Be our refuge in life’s storms. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Whether you are hurting or you are praying for someone who is hurting, be encouraged today. The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:13-15 NKJV

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3 prayers for the hurting

22 thoughts on “3 Prayers for the Hurting”

  1. These were beautiful prayers to bring comfort to those who are hurting.
    I especially relate to the Comfort of the Holy Spirit prayer. That prayer was exactly what I needed.
    I have hidden scars that are only known to me and a very few others. I have suffered greatly from them recently. Hidden hurts! Deep sorrows!
    Sometimes we dwell on God’s forgiveness for sins (and we should!), but we forget the victims who are scarred and hurting; crying alone and seemingly forgotten!
    Thank you for this prayer reminding us about the comfort of the Holy Spirit who reaches deep into our hearts. He is the “salve” for broken hearts. He cares for broken people and those who grieve alone.
    God understands and cares.

    • Dear Mary Anne, thank you for sharing with heartfelt honesty about your hidden hurts and deep sorrows. I am sorry for the pain and suffering you have endured. I thank God that He has kept your faith strong through it all. It’s true, we carry hidden wounds and often grieve alone. I agree with you, we should always remember God’s forgiveness. But at the same time, we should remember the victims. Their heartache and hurt should not be overlooked. We should not pretend that forgiveness erases the scars or the pain that was inflicted. I am praying for you right now. May the Holy Spirit continue to reach deep and be the salve healing those broken places. He is the God that heals us. God sees, even when no one else does. God cares. And He is with us catching every tear.

      • Thank you so much Melissa. I appreciate your heartfelt message and your prayers.
        Life is a journey. This is my 80th year. I have tried to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord ever since I was a young teen.
        When battle scars go deep, I lean on the Lord. He knows. He cares. He sees the tears. His presence is with me and comforts my broken heart. Where else could I go?

        I still believe it pays to serve Jesus.

      • Amen, Mary Anne. Thank you for sharing your life journey of living for Jesus. You have a great testimony of faithfulness through the valleys and tears. Where else can we go? We know He loves us, He is with us, and He will bring us home. I agree. Even through the deepest pain, it still pays to serve Jesus. God will repay your faithfulness. It is precious to His heart that you still love Him. God bless you and keep you.

  2. Thank you for the words which encourage us to pray. When I am really weak I don’t know what to pray, but I know I need to pray. The prayers you wrote are helpful in times like that. I’m sure others find them a big help, too.

    • Thank you for the encouraging words. All glory to God. Like you, there are times when I am hurting or the suffering I see others enduring leaves me empty. But you’re right, we need to pray. May the Holy Spirit give us words or even groans, to lift up to the Lord in prayer. He sees our hearts. Let us continue seeking Him in prayer. He knows how it feels to hurt. Jesus will meet us there.

  3. Much needed, Melissa! You are right–there is so much we cannot see beneath the surface. I pray God gives us eyes to see and love brimming over to reach out.

  4. Wonderful prayers Melissa and much needed because I think so many people are hurting below the surface. Thank you for sharing them.

  5. These are powerful prayers, Melissa. I like how each of them speaks specifically to when we or others are hurting and need God’s peace and love and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Saving these for myself and to share with others. God bless.

    • God bless you, dear Karen. Thank you for your heart for the hurting. I am continuing to pray for you and your community in the Southeast that was hit so hard by the hurricane. Actually, this post resulted from seeing videos and photos of the damages and loss of life from the heartbreaking recent storms. May God hold the hurting people near His heart and bring help and hope in Christ.


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