By Melissa McLaughlin
The wind shook our house in fury. Rain pelted the windows like liquid bullets. With a trembling heart, I prayed asking God to protect our family and home. That was the year the hurricane knocked our power out for two weeks.
Suddenly, turning on the light or making coffee in the morning became a long-lost luxury. One of the most difficult things was taking ice-cold showers each day. No power meant no water heater.
Sometimes we take power for granted.
When we consider God’s power, however, sometimes we underestimate it.
As we reflect on our Savior during the Advent season, this Scripture reminds us of His many facets:
Isaiah 9:6 (ESV) – For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
In my last post, we studied the term, “Wonderful Counselor.” This week, we will ponder “Mighty God.”
What does “Mighty God” mean?
The name, “God Almighty” or “El Shaddai,” is understood to mean Omnipotent One or All-powerful. This title for God first appeared in Genesis 17:1 when God confirmed what He had spoken earlier, that Abraham would be the father of many nations.
Abraham laughed saying, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety” (Genesis 17:17 ESV)? Later, Sarah laughed, as well (Genesis 18:12).
However, God was unaffected by their lapse of faith. He responded, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son” (Genesis 18:14 ESV).
Through this and many other biblical prophecies, we know that every word God has spoken will come to pass. One example is the prophecy of Jesus’ first coming found in Isaiah 9:6, recorded 600 years before Christ’s birth.
If Christ is the Mighty God, omnipotent and all-powerful, what does this mean for us today?
1. Whatever God has spoken in the Bible will be fulfilled.
God will do what He said He will do. In a world adrift with confusion, empty promises, and lies, there is comfort and peace in God’s unchanging Word (Ezekiel 24:14).
2. Nothing is too difficult for God.
Even if it is beyond human capabilities or imagination, God is able. As the Creator of the universe, God can bring things into existence from nothing (Luke 1:37), (Hebrews 11:3).
3.As Christians, we can rest under the shadow of God’s wings.
God’s eternal protection, through the blood-covering of Jesus Christ, is a supernatural shield from the enemy. Satan is merely a created being and can only do that which God allows. To live is Christ, to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Therefore, we are blessed now and forever. Nothing can touch our blood-bought inheritance in Jesus (Psalm 91:1-4), (Romans 8:38-39).
Are you facing a stormy season? Feel like the enemy is pushing hard against you or your family?
Remember, Jesus won the victory!
Just as God promised a son to Abraham (Genesis 17:19), so He promised a Son to save His people (Isaiah 9:6).
From the manger, to the cross, to the heavens, Jesus rules and reigns. He is the Mighty God! The hope of the nations!
What Scripture verses help you think of Jesus as the Mighty God?
Update for my readers:
Thank you to everyone who offered to be on my book launch team for The Whole Bible Devotional. I appreciate your kindness and support! I will contact you with details in the coming week.
If anyone would like to help who hasn’t yet responded, please let me know in the comments.
Praise report—the rough draft of the Small Group Study Guide is complete. All glory to God! Thank you for praying! Please continue to pray for every step of this process. I treasure your prayers with all my heart. May God be glorified and His people blessed!

Amen. God is mighty. His power brings peace and comfort to the weary. Congratulations on your new book. I look forward to helping with the launch. Have a blessed week! Merry Christmas dear friend.
Thank you so much, Melissa! I appreciate your encouragement and help! Only God could do this!
And He is mighty! Merry Christmas dear friend.
Thank you for sharing this post! Wishing you blessings in this season of Advent!!!
Blessings to you, dear Linda! May this Advent season be joyous for you and your family!
Sister, all glory to God and thanksgiving for all He says through you.
Every time I come here, the Holy Spirit moves differently. He may use the illustration you begin with more prominent in meditation one week, His Word in another, but tonight…its most certainly the question/prompt.
Your “Mighty God” examples were enough.
I began to pray & scan Scripture memorized. I went to Genesis. The beginning of Genesis made me think of the beginning of John. This was enough.
Of course…The Cross, The Resurrection. This made me reflect on Paul & all of my faith being without meaning without the Resurrection. I thought of Jesus declaring something greater for me re: Holy Spirit. I thought of so much in 5 minutes.
I settle on not one verse.
Mighty God is all of John 17. It is Jesus Christ praying to the Father. We are in this prayer. Nothing brings me face to face with Jesus, our living hope more than all of John 17.
If I were only allowed one chapter it would be this one. Jesus, in the flesh, in the 3rd verse here…tells me exactly how I/we get eternal life. How mighty is that?
“Mighty God” is in every single word of John 17. He tells me how to pray in Matthew and Luke. He shows me prayer here. God demonstrating prayer. God pleading for me here.
Final answer: John 17…all of it…our Mighty God to the most overwhelming and powerful degree.
God Bless you & know I am praying for you+replied to the last email.
So grateful for you,
Mike C.
Glory to God!!! Wow, Mike, I praise the Lord for all Spirit-led Scripture connections you made here! I don’t have enough words or exclamation marks to praise Him!!! Thank you for sharing these powerful and profound truths about our Mighty God and Savior, Jesus Christ. John 17… all of it!!!! Oh how He loves us. He did it all!
Thank you for your email. I will be sending out an email update to you and all the gracious folks who are helping me today!!!
God bless you more and more! Melissa
Mat 1:23 KJV Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, (GOD WITH US.) 🤔. To me, this is crystal clear as to the identity of who Jesus Christ is. 👀🔎📖
Elder Melvin Bailey, thank you for reading and taking the time to share this powerful Scripture! GOD WITH US!!! There it is! May the Holy Spirit continue to give us deeper revelation of our Savior through the Scriptures. What a mighty God we serve! And He loves us so! God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas!
Beautiful as always Melissa. He is our mighty God. Thanks and Merry Christmas
Yes, Yvonne. He is our mighty God! Merry Christmas to you and yours, dear friend!
When lightning strikes and thunder booms I am blinded by the powerful light, and deafened by the reverberating thunder. And that’s nothing for God. He is mighty. Mightier than any storm or any supernova. I can’t even begin to contemplate that kind of might. And yet, He loves me.
I love that example from creation! Remembering God’s vast power in the thunder and lightning helps me remember His greatness. Even the earth shakes sometimes when the thunder booms. He is high above us! What a mighty God we serve! And yet, He loves me.
“When we consider God’s power, however, sometimes we underestimate it.” SO VERY true! While our God is loving and IS love itself, God is also the creator of the universe and ALL things within in. We must understand that God is God Almighty and tremble at the idea of such power… even as we take deep comfort in knowing we are so loved by him.
So well said, Jessica! God is both – powerful and holy. May we tremble in reverence at the One who created such grandeur and tremble with gratitude that He loves us.
Excellent, Melissa. So grateful that nothing, no-thing” is too difficult for our mighty God! Hallelujah! Merry Christmas!
The God who made us is the God who saves us. No-thing is too difficult for Him! We can rest in His power and powerful love.
God bless you and your family this Christmas season!