By Melissa McLaughlin
Crunch, crunch, crunch. My boots stomped the icy snow as I trudged to the car. With unplowed roads, a snowy stillness blanketed the earth. The sound of crispy footsteps tingled in my ears.
I stopped to listen. The snowstorm painted a white canvas for the eyes and enfolded the world in frosty peace.
A small drip trickled from the icicle on my car bumper and resounded through the hush.
I marveled. How could something as small as a snowflake, once accumulated, silence an entire neighborhood? God’s ways are a wonder to behold.
As we look ahead to a new year, a white canvas awaits. Empty pages anticipate the pen of the God who authors our days.
Before sprinting ahead with our agendas, may we pause to hear from God.
Sometimes our fast-paced schedules make it difficult to hear from the Lord. We long for a good snowstorm to slow us down, tuck us in, and mute the world’s frenzy so we can perceive God’s still small voice.
What are His plans, His purposes, and His dreams for us?
How can we discern God’s voice and hear His message of love beckoning us?
Thankfully, it’s not hard to hear from the Lord. God speaks through His Word, as the indwelling Spirit illuminates and teaches us more about our Savior.
Last year, my husband and I chose a Scripture verse to meditate on for the year, Proverbs 3:5-6. As we prayed and discussed new possibilities for this year, one verse immediately jumped out for my husband, Romans 8:1 (ESV), “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” We soaked in the profound truth and mercy of this verse and chapter.
However, I continued to listen in quiet—reading, praying, and asking the Holy Spirit to highlight a Scripture that resonated with me. After rereading the chapter, this verse echoed in my heart and mind—Romans 8:31a (ESV), “If God is for us, who can be against us?“
Remembering all Christ has done, is doing, and will do, I can stand on the unshakable Rock of ages, no matter what challenges arise in the coming year.
May you find the time and space to sit quietly with Lord Jesus—resting and listening to God through His Word and Spirit.
May God refresh and fortify your soul with a Bible verse or chapter, empowering you to approach the year ahead with divine wisdom, Christlike love, and Spirit-filled peace.
I pray God’s abundant blessings for you and your families in the coming year!
Do you have a Bible verse or chapter that touched your heart? Are you meditating on a verse for the year? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Update for My Readers:
The release of my book, The Whole Bible Devotional, has been moved to January 28, 2025. (Gives us a little more time to pray!) Additionally, the e-book and paperback will be released simultaneously.
The Whole Bible Devotional is available for pre-order at several major book retailers. Below are some links to pre-order.
Our Book Launch Team is gearing up, too. If you’d like to join us, click THIS FORM to sign up.
Most importantly, please pray for God’s blessing, anointing, and favor over this book as we prepare for its release. I pray it is a blessing to you and to all who will read. Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and help! To God be the glory!

Colossians 3 keeps coming up, in fact the whole book. This is the gist of it for me, and encourages me to keep on keeping on. Happy new year to you and yours–
3 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is your[a] life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Hallelujah! This is a powerful passage! I was blessed just pausing to read what you posted. And yes, I agree 100%. Colossians chapter 3, and the whole book, is encouraging and helps us keep our eyes on Christ. Thank you for sharing! God bless you and yours in the year ahead!
I pray that I will pause and listen for God’s message today and every day. When my life is too busy, I sometimes forget to pause and rest in His comfort. Your message arrived at the right time. I love how God works. 🙂 Blessings!
I love how God works, too, Melissa! There is nothing that nourishes our souls like times of stillness reading, praising, and talking with God. May He refresh your heart today! God bless!
I think I’ll go with Romans 8:1. The whole chapter is great, as you know, and I feel like I can grow from the affirmations it holds.
Romans 8:1 is a powerful verse in a powerful chapter. May the Lord continue to deepen your roots in Christ as you meditate on His Word!
Rather than a scripture verse, I am choosing a song which the Holy Spirit brought to my mind. I have been going through a deep trial the past few months. This song has such a special meaning to me. At one of my lowest moments, I just started singing this quietly in my mind. It touched me deeply. I am always amazed at how the Holy Spirit knows our needs.
The song and words are:
“Be Still, My Soul” by Katharine von Schlegel, 1752
I. Be still my soul, the Lord is on your side.
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still , my soul; thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
II. Be still my soul; thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.
The 3rd verse speaks of a time when there will be no more disappointment, grief, tears, sorrow, and fear are no more. We will forever be with the Lord.
Dear Mary Anne, this hymn of faith is beautiful and profound. I love that the Holy Spirit put a song on your heart to carry you through. Music is a gift from the Lord and can linger long in our minds and lift our spirits in ways that words alone sometimes cannot. Thank you for taking time to copy and share the lyrics. It is truly a meditation to read through and sing along with you. I’m sorry for the difficult trial you have faced in the past few months. I’m lifting you in prayer right now. May God’s everlasting arms of love comfort you. Jesus catches our tears with His nail-scarred hands and holds us near until that Day when there will be no more tears. God bless you and keep you, dear sister in Christ.
Well Sister, keeping it real short this time:
This was for me!
You’re a blessing & God bless you Melissa.
Your Brother In Christ,
Mike C
God bless you, Mike! May God’s Word refresh and renew your heart in the year ahead!
Love this, Melissa! I am SO excited about your coming book. And I loved this reflection. As you say so aptly, “I can stand on the unshakable Rock of ages, no matter what challenges arise in the coming year.” God has us and cares for us, no matter what!
Amen, Jessica! Christ is the anchor for our souls, no matter what we face. Thank you for the encouragement about my upcoming book! Praise the Lord! I pray God’s blessings over you and your writing ministry, too!
You are a blessing because of all the ways you encourage our faith. Such a beautiful message and I’m so excited for your new book. May the Lord bless it.
Thank you for your ongoing encouragement in the Lord, Yvonne. May we keep spurring other on toward Christ! Thank you for your support and prayers for my book. May God keep blessing you in all your books and writing!
Melissa, I like having a scripture to focus on for the new year. We can ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us all year. This is a good word. “God speaks through His Word, as the indwelling Spirit illuminates and teaches us more about our Savior.” Amen!
God’s Word is a life-giving source of daily nourishment. Without it we wither away. I know how much you love the Bible. Thank you for living out the truth, love, and grace of Jesus and His Word. God bless you in the new year!