Can You Hear the Train’s Call?

Can you hear the train's call

By Melissa McLaughlin The Train’s Call Oftentimes in the evening, I can hear a train whistle in the distance. Though miles from our house, still the train’s horn floats over the air. After daytime noises have died down, the engine’s song echoes over hills and valleys, announcing its trek through the night. It reminds me … Read more

The Joy of Confession and the Covering of Christ

The Joy of Confession and the Covering of Christ

By Melissa McLaughlin The Cover Up I can still remember the look in our eyes. As young kids, whenever we disobeyed our parents, we tried to wait it out. Maybe they wouldn’t notice. Maybe they wouldn’t find out. The broken glass, the broken rule, the hurtful words. But somehow, they always did. When we stood … Read more

The Blood of Jesus Speaks a Better Word

blood speaks a better word

By Melissa McLaughlin For many years, I struggled to understand this phrase from the Bible, “the blood speaks a better word.” Bit by bit, the deep beauty these words carry has captured my heart. We Cry for Justice When we see an injustice, our hearts cry out for wrongs to be made right. For justice … Read more

Waves of Mercy

Christian poem Waves of Mercy

By Melissa McLaughlin Waves of mercy Powerful Strong Ever moving Wash over me Swirl around my heart Flood my soul In wave after wave Of eternal beauty As before the throne of heaven Additional poems you might enjoy: Song of the Rose – Poem by Melissa McLaughlin Where the Water Flows – Poem by Melissa … Read more

A God Who is Both: Loving and Holy, Savior and Judge

A God who is Both loving and holy savior and judge

By Melissa McLaughlin The Fullness of God What do we do with a God who is both: loving and holy, Savior and Judge, One who comforts and convicts? This is difficult to answer. A quick cliche just won’t do. Interestingly, as I observe my own natural response to Biblical accounts of God’s character, I can’t … Read more

What is Passover? How is Jesus the Final Passover Lamb?

What is Passover? How is Jesus the Final Passover Lamb?

By Melissa McLaughlin In Over My Head It was our honeymoon! What joy! We had decided to celebrate in Acapulco, Mexico. The food was scrumptious, the people joyful, the beaches beautiful and the water was warm and inviting. Being an avid ocean swimmer, I convinced my husband to take a snorkeling trip for an up-close-and-personal … Read more

The Sacrificial Lamb – Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

The Sacrificial Lamb - Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

By Melissa McLaughlin New Life After a long, bitter winter even our bodies moan, yearning for spring. We wait for the sun’s strength to be emboldened. We breathe in deeply waiting for the smell of fresh earth. Daily we scour the brown frozen scenery for the smallest signs of new life. The snowdrop is the … Read more

Peace on Earth! But What Kind of Peace Did Jesus Bring?

peace on earth what kind of peace did jesus bring

By Melissa McLaughlin Peace on Earth! Joy to the world, the Lord is come! One of the sweet joys of the Christmas season for me is the sound of Christmas carols flooding the air. Joyful songs that tell of the birth of Jesus our Savior, played in the stores, in the workplace and freely released … Read more