Bearer of Christ’s Light

Bearer of Christ's Light

By Melissa McLaughlin Darkness looms. Heavy. Still. Shadowed. Whispered deceptions. Seething accusations. Cloaked lies swirling. “You are not loved. No one really cares. You are called by your failures, mistakes, sins.” Hope fading Despair eclipses. Encased now in shame’s blanket Darkness envelopes. A crack in the door of your heart. A golden shaft pierces through. … Read more

To Bear the Image of the Man of Heaven

To Bear the Image of the Man of Heaven

By Melissa McLaughlin An Artist’s Image I love to gaze upon the beauty of an inspired piece of art. My husband is an artist and I enjoy pausing to reflect on his work for long stretches of time. The dynamic colors, the flowing brushstrokes, the composition of objects in the foreground and background, the images … Read more

Is it Time for a Greater Awakening?

Greater Awakening

By Melissa McLaughlin If we jump back in time just 300 hundred years or so, we find some miraculous events sweeping through the Christian church in the United States and Britain. A spiritual revival was breaking out, the likes of which had never been seen before. So powerful and widespread was this revival, that the … Read more

How I Became a Christian

How I Became a Christian

By Melissa McLaughlin Ever heard one of those remarkable testimonies of someone whose life was dramatically changed after they became a Christian? I get so excited to hear about God’s mighty hand moving in people’s lives. For many years, I felt my experience following Christ lacked the pizzazz that marked other’s journeys. But this is … Read more

She Bows Her Head

Christian Poem She bows her head

By Melissa McLaughlin A seed is fallen, takes root, lifts her tiny arms A sunflower is born The sun warms her depths Up from the earth, the rain pulses through her Drawing strength from the Creator’s touch planted deep within Growing, reaching, stretching toward the golden Sunlight Strong now, steady, tall and mighty among all … Read more