By Melissa McLaughlin
Childhood Memories
Clop, clop, clop. I still remember the sound. As a child, I loved horses. I read books about horses. I drew sketches of horses. At night, I dreamed of horses. Then one year, the unthinkable happened, my parents gave me a Shetland pony for Christmas. What more could a girl hope for?
We lived on a wooded hillside in Pennsylvania’s lush green farming area. My dad built a small barn at the edge of our land, using trees he had cut and hewn for the beams. That little brown barn was handmade and heart-made. Just big enough for a pony stall, with storage space for hay and a fenced-in area extending into the woods for exercise. The neighboring vet was a friend of my parents and offered the pony to us for free from his small herd of pets.
I soon learned to ride the pony by myself and enjoyed trotting through the yard and woods. Just above our property was a hiking trail through the forest that was perfect for leisurely rides with my pony. I was always astonished at the way he could tromp on the trail without ever tripping over a rock. Sure and steady, he clop, clop, clopped along.
Christmas Memories
As I pause to imagine the details of the Christmas story, told in Luke chapter 2, I can’t help but think of the sound of the donkey’s hooves. Clop, clop, clop. The steady rhythm of its feet, like the comforting sound of God’s blessings carrying us along, step by step.
I envision Mary, a young teen, pregnant with the Son of God. Full of wonder. Full of questions. Full of ponderings. By a move of the Holy Spirit, she was carrying the child who would be King. The child who also would be Savior. The love of a mother’s heart toward her child still moved her to sing lullabies to him, to smile when he laughed, to wipe his tears when he fell. But this mother knew a deeper love would bind their hearts. A love we all can share. For before that day He returns as King, He must first die as Savior.
On the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, she must have listened to sounds as they traveled. The sounds of the wind brushing past. The sounds of birds in the fields twittering at the new day. Perhaps the bark of a stray dog or two. Sometimes a soft conversation with Joseph, her betrothed. But through it all, over and over, went the clop, clop, clop of the donkey’s hooves.
The sound of a horse’s hooves reminds me of gentle rain falling on the roof, when I am inside the house, safe and warm. The rain is from God and it is good. Each drop, a reminder that God is our provider. Each drop, a reminder that He sustains us with living water and yet covers us with loving protection.
The sound of the donkey’s feet plodding along must have brought Mary a similar comfort. Each footstep a reminder that God was leading them onward. Each footstep a reminder that God will make a way. Each footstep a reminder that God cares for the great needs, like a Savior for our sins, and for the small needs, like the weary body of a young pregnant girl.
Memories of God’s Blessings
May we listen to the sounds of God’s steady beating heart, that beats with love toward us. May we count our blessings one by one. Remembering that in the rhythms of life, God provides. He has given us the ability to think, speak, walk, talk, read and write. He has provided the family, friends, opportunities, open doors, education and experiences that allow us to have a job. So every dollar we “earn” comes first from God, our Provider. The clothing we wear, the food we eat, the water we drink, the soap and water for washing, the roof over our heads. It all comes from God. All blessings of love. Blessing after blessing after blessing.
Yet over and above all other blessings is the sound of heavenly peace. Peace that was won for us by God Himself. For God came in the form of a humble child, to live the life we should have lived and to die the death we deserved to die. Defeating sin, hell and death in one fell swoop.
Our Savior is born! Our Savior is born! Our Savior is born! And because He lives, I can face today, tomorrow and forever, for He is the sound of joy unspeakable. He is the sound of love unimaginable. He is the sound of peace unshakable. The forgiveness Jesus won for us at the cross echoes in our hearts over and over through all eternity!
There are other sounds of joy at Christmas, for sure. The sound of Christmas carols sung at your door. The sound of children squealing with surprise. The sound of laughter over a family meal. The sound of gifts being given and shared and unwrapped. The sound of the Christmas story being read once again. The sound of stars twinkling in the winter sky, not heard, yet rejoicing along with all creation. Glory to God in the highest!
Sounds of Joy at Christmas
As we think through the sounds of joy at Christmas, may it be like the sure and steady clop, clop, clop of the donkey’s hooves that carry us toward the Christ child. One step at a time, God draws us closer with His kindness, His truth, His grace, His loving correction, His tenderness and His patience. May the blessings of God, both great and small, fill us with joy that overflows, sending reverberating sound waves of joy to those around. Repeat, repeat the sounding joy! For our Savior is born. And we will never be the same!
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n, and heav’n, and nature sing.
Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.
~Lyrics by Isaac Watts
Additional Resources:
“Joy to the World” sung by Nat King Cole
Going Beyond Ministries By Priscilla Shirer
Peace on Earth! But What Kind of Peace did Jesus Bring? By Melissa McLaughlin
Feeling Sad at Christmas? 4 Ways to Overcome By Melissa McLaughlin
Beautifully written, as always, Melissa. What a wonderful gift your parents gave you in that Shetland pony! It sounds as if you were raised in a very blessed family way. I am sure you have a lovely childhood memories.
Thank you for the idea of “sound” in the nativity story. That’s something I hadn’t pondered before. Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement, Lisa! The Lord was gracious to bring the sounds of the Nativity story to my attention, that I could experience Christ’s coming in a new way. I pray these words provide a fresh vision and hearing of this story for others, that we may worship Christ with renewed love. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What wonderful memories you had!
Yes, it’s true, Valerie! God blessed me with a loving Christian family and a great witness for the love of Christ. I pray that these little memories in my life help point everyone to the greatest remembrance of Love this world has ever known, Jesus Christ! Blessings to you and yours!
Amen. Let us share the joy of Christ today and every day. 🙂
Amen to that, Melissa! Jesus brings a deep abiding soul-joy, a profound knowing that He has made all things right between us and God, forever. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Blessings to you and yours!
Such a beautiful story and so beautifully written, Melissa! Love that you received a pony for Christmas! And love how you tied it into the first Christmas story. In our noisy world, it’s hard to hear sounds of the best parts of this life that point to the next life. And I never thought about hearing things before like peace. Yet, Jesus came as the Prince of Peace. Love this: “Our Savior is born! Our Savior is born! Our Savior is born! And because He lives, I can face today, tomorrow and forever, for He is the sound of joy unspeakable.” A thousand Hallelujahs!
Thank you for these thoughtful and insightful comments, Karen! You are so right, the best parts of this life do indeed point to the next life. May we pause in quietness and stillness to hear the voice of our Savior in the words of holy scripture. There is so much to hear, see and ponder, if we will listen. I join with you, dear sister, at the sound of Jesus, joy unspeakable, “A thousand hallalujahs!” Amen!
Such a beautiful post! I will come back to read this again before Christmas. You have touched my heart…
Dear Linda, thank you for these kind words. May we use the gifts God has given us to soften one another’s hearts toward him always. A blessed Christmas to you and yours!
What a perfect gift that pony must have been, Melissa!
The idea of the sounds of Christmas leading us closer to the Savior is thought-provoking. Some may be annoyed at what seems monotonous or stirs bad memories, but the idea that the clop, clop, clop leads us through life one step at a time, and ultimately to a closer relationship with God, is a more healthy perspective. Thank you for this post and merry Christmas to you.
Thank you, Stephen, you caught the theme! Clop, clop, clopping through life with God pouring out one sweet blessing after another. So simple, so steady, we can soon forget the soothing sound of God’s hand at work. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
A beautiful reminder to focus on the true and lovely things, the truth and the reality of the Savior who has come and of all the good gifts he has given – including a Shetland pony! What joy that pony must have brought you!
So many wonderful gifts given by our Loving Heavenly Father, the greatest of which, of course is His own Son, Jesus Christ. May all else pale in comparison, even ponies for little girls. Blessings to you and yours, Melinda!
Exactly what I needed to hear today! Thanks, Melissa, that I can always pop over here for a healthy dose of encouragement, truth, and reminders of God’s intense love and goodness. Blessings, friend!💖
Awww, thank you for the words of encouragement, Jessie! Glory to God, the giver of all good things! I pray that the many blessings He has poured out on you will cause you to overflow with gratitude no matter where you may find yourself this day. Blessings to you and your dear family!