Trusting God With Our Nation

In God We Trust

By Melissa McLaughlin Autumn leaves twirl to the ground signaling the curtain call. In that final moment before taking a bow, the withering foliage announces the close of one season. By God’s wondrous design, the fall leaves also prepare for the next as they release nourishment into the earth for future growth. If you live … Read more

Holding On To Jesus in the Storm

Holding on to Jesus in the storm

By Melissa McLaughlin My gut wrenched. Tears spilled from my eyes. I was overcome as I scanned pictures of the recent hurricane damage in the southeast U.S. Piles of rubble and jagged tree roots now dotted the landscape where homes once stood. Roads had collapsed as the earth gave way underneath. The devastation looked surreal. … Read more

The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder

The Government Will Be Upon His Shoulder

By Melissa McLaughlin “That’s not how we play the game! You broke the rules,” he chided. “Who made you boss?” she glared back. As an elementary teacher, I witnessed countless arguments on the playground. Many of these clashes resulted from one child striving to rule over another or someone breaking an agreed-upon boundary. All too … Read more

How to Live for God With All Your Heart

How to Live for God With All Your Heart

By Melissa McLaughlin A sigh slipped through my lips. I was snuggled together with the kids for bedtime stories. One of our favorite family activities to close out the day. But that night, I was bone-tired. Gravity pulled my eyelids. The book weighed down my arms. Though groggy-minded, I pushed through. Normally, I read with … Read more

Pause and Take Time to Rejoice

Pause and Take Time to Rejoice

By Melissa McLaughlin Childlike Gratitude The notes jingled in the distance. My children’s faces perked up, their eyes brightened, and the pleading commenced. The anticipation was palpable when the ice cream truck stopped in our neighborhood. This was not quality ice cream, mind you. The ice creams cost $1. Our choices included sherbet popsicles shaped … Read more

How Can We Be In the World But Not of It?

How Can We Be In the World but Not of it?

By Melissa McLaughlin Our eyes sparkled as his voice carried us along. Dad and Mom read bedtime stories to us during our early childhood years. We soaked up these tales of chocolate factories, children slipping through a wardrobe, and small hobbits on grand adventures. Dad and Mom were excellent readers who drew us into the … Read more

Jesus Isn’t Finished

Jesus Isn't Finished

By Melissa McLaughlin It is Finished The cross fades. The tomb lies empty. The Savior is alive! Glancing back, we reminisce and then peer ahead with new hope and strength. We remember the final moments of Jesus’ earthly ministry. As He drew His last breath, Jesus groaned, “It is finished.” It. Is. Finished. Three small … Read more

Can You Hear the Train’s Call?

Can you hear the train's call

By Melissa McLaughlin The Train’s Call Oftentimes in the evening, I can hear a train whistle in the distance. Though miles from our house, still the train’s horn floats over the air. After daytime noises have died down, the engine’s song echoes over hills and valleys, announcing its trek through the night. It reminds me … Read more

Holding On to God’s Love Through the Pain

Holding Onto God's Love Through the Pain

By Melissa McLaughlin Love Through the Pain Searing pain torched my back. Longstanding back issues, combined with the strain of age and use, resulted in physical agony that brought me to a complete halt. Following therapy, medication, treatments, and all manner of medical interventions, I found myself on the surgeon’s schedule for back surgery. And … Read more

Suffering for Christ

Suffering for Christ

By Melissa McLaughlin Following Jesus We’ve all been there. There is a sting when we don’t fit in. Friends at school make plans for their party, but we don’t make the list. Co-workers overlook us during the lunch conversation. People give us that uncomfortable side-glance when we pray over meals. An unbeliever on social media … Read more

How God Blesses us with Dew

How God blesses us with Dew

By Melissa McLaughlin A Morning View The scene took my breath away. I slipped downstairs to turn on the coffee and begin my day with quiet prayer. In early mornings my eyes are drawn to the windows for a quick peek outdoors. God’s amazing artistry always brightens my outlook. I anticipate the wonders He creates … Read more

Following God’s Call: Yvonne Morgan

Following God's Call Interview with Yvonne Morgan

Following God’s Call Interview with Yvonne Morgan Yvonne Morgan is a gifted Christian author and speaker who is also dear friend. Her life and faith have deeply inspired me. She uplifts others in big ways and small, through missions work, through writing, and through faith in action. Yvonne writes a weekly blog sharing authentic stories … Read more

When days are cold, Jesus is near

When days are cold, Jesus is close

By Melissa McLaughlin When Days are Cold The air stung my cheeks as we trudged along that winter day. An overcast sky shadowed our steps. A hint of snow whispered in the wind. We hiked this same trail just a few months earlier, our senses flooded with rich fall foliage, vivid colors and the scent … Read more

Do not worry… Consider the Lilies

Do not worry... Consider the Lilies

By Melissa McLaughlin The Anxieties of Life With each passing day, it seems the weight of this world grows heavier. Turmoil and division on every side. The cost of living rising steadily. Empty shelves and help wanted signs. Concerns for health with varying and opposing viewpoints. Media, culture and entertainment in outright opposition to God’s … Read more

Lifelong Pursuit of Christ: Melinda V. Inman

Lifelong Pursuit of Christ Melinda V. Inman

A Lifelong Pursuit of Christ As followers of Christ, we discover a journey that takes us through nourishing, green pastures, still waters of refreshment and at times, deep, dark valleys. Our Good Shepherd saves us, leads us, cares for us and loves us all along the way. Therefore, our greatest desire is to live for … Read more

Standing on the Rock in the Storm

Standing on the Rock in the Storm

By Melissa McLaughlin The Rock There it stood. Rugged, wild and immovable. Our family excursion to Maine brought us to the picturesque Pemaquid Point. We climbed along the rocky outcropping that stood firm against the onslaught of ocean waves. Though the waves rolled in, crashing with rhythmic force, yet the rock stood firm. We stood … Read more

The Psalm that Inspired Joy to the World

The Psalm that inspired Joy to the World

By Melissa McLaughlin The Whole World Sings How the sun sparkled! It was a sunny morning after a big winter storm. A nor’easter. A December storm that dumped snow, sleet and freezing rain on our community through the night. We awoke to a blanket of white as far as the eye could see. Still untouched, … Read more

The Gifts We Bring at Christmas

The Gifts We Bring at Christmas

By Melissa McLaughlin The Gift of a Child How their innocent eyes twinkled with glee! I remember with such fondness, the days when my children were preschoolers and brought me gifts for Christmas. They rummaged through the toy box and selected a treasured gift to give. With little fingers, they wrapped the items in Kleenex … Read more

The Power of a Kind Word

The Power of a Kind Word

By Melissa McLaughlin The weight of sadness in this world with its division, hatred, animosity and harshness, at times feels like a heavy blanket of evil pressing against my soul. Every word spoken, seems to assume the worst and allows for no grace. Every news cast highlights the most destructive possible view of humanity. Every … Read more