By Melissa McLaughlin
The Hunt
I searched high and low to no avail.
Where could it be? I had purchased a multipack box of disinfecting wipes earlier in the month for spot cleaning around the house. The first pack of wipes was used up. So during a recent cleaning frenzy, I rushed to grab the next pack of wipes from the multipack box. To my dismay, the box had mysteriously vanished.
I combed the bathroom cabinet, laundry storage, and hallway closet. I hunted through the basement and scanned the cars. The box was nowhere to be found.
Eventually, I gave up my quest and grabbed paper towels and Windex instead.
An Unexpected Package
It wasn’t until several months later that I finally stumbled upon the multipack box of disinfecting wipes. I could not believe my eyes. It was there all along at near eye level in the bathroom closet.
How was that possible? I recalled scrutinizing every crevice of this closet at least three times!
As I peered more intently at the box, it dawned on me. I couldn’t perceive this box during my earlier search because of its size and color. The box was smaller and more colorful than I remembered. In my mind’s eye, the multipack box was large and plain. In reality, vibrant designs decorated this shoe-sized box.
This unexpected discovery gave me pause. I literally could not see the box right in front of my eyes, because the box did not look like what I expected.
Unexpected Blessings
Have you ever prayed and waited for a blessing from God, only to find a different answer to your prayer than you expected?
Sometimes, we have a very clear picture of what we expect God to provide, but He sends something else. At that moment we can’t always recognize the alternate gift as a blessing. The packaging may appear surprising or even undesirable at first glance.
Scripture Blessings
When meditating upon Scripture blessings, I notice long-lasting, spiritual blessings. Maybe not what I prayed for, but blessings nonetheless.
May we soak in these Scripture blessings, especially when our circumstances leave us empty of earthly blessings.
Matthew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:10 – Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
Psalm 5:12 – For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.
Psalm 1:1-6 – Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
Luke 15:8-10 – Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
Have you ever received a blessing from God in an unexpected form?
May God grant us spiritual vision to grasp the blessings He is pouring out today. Even those blessings that are packaged in unexpected ways.
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Yes, God has given many unexpected blessings. My husband and I smile every time we realize that something that has occurred was actually a blessing from God. Yesterday, God blessed us with a safe trip home from our granddaughter’s 3rd birthday party. About 500 feet before we entered our neighborhood, a huge buck jumped in front of our car. We’ve never seen deer in that spot. God provided a blessing of safety for us and that deer. 🙂
Wow. Melissa, thank God you are safe! It’s true, there are so many blessings God pours out each day. I pray to see more of what God is doing in the little ways and the big ways, like protecting you and your husband from a car accident. Getting to celebrate a granddaughter’s 3rd birthday is a big blessing, too! Thank you for sharing this testimony. God bless you and your family!
I may have to meditate on this for a while. What blessings were unexpected? We can be so focused on what we want that we are not thankful for what we get.
You make a good point, Tom. The spiritual blessings are eternal, but they don’t provide earthly blessings we long for.
That is a better way to express this. May God give us spiritual vision to embrace the eternal over the earthly.
My life has been full of unexpected blessings. Our God is so awesome. I remember a time after my parents passed when I searched for some paperwork I needed. I prayed but nothing. Then one night, God showed me where to look and I found it (and I had looked there before and missed it). Thank you for the encouragement Melissa
Wow, Yvonne, that is a wonderful testimony. God’s answers to the details in our lives means so much. In your case, those details were very important and at a time when you were hurting. So His presence was made apparent with you there. Thank you for sharing! God bless!
I think most of the time God’s blessings come in ways we don’t expect them! Thank you for sharing this truth and these wonderful verses. And I’m glad you found your wipes!
I think you are right, Stephen. And thank you, I’m glad I found the wipes, too. It sounds so small, but I was truly dumbstruck to discover them in the exact spot I had searched earlier because my mind created a different picture. May God move our hearts to place a high value on His spiritual blessings.
God gives the most unexpected gifts. We dream of how situations should unfold, but God has better ideas. He’s so good. Great message, Melissa. God bless.
So true, Nancy. God’s ways are so much higher than ours. We can’t see everything, but we can see Jesus. Even when God does not answer earthly prayers, Jesus is a blessing for all eternity. God bless you and your family!
Absolutely phenomenal! I can so relate to not recognizing things because they don’t look as I’d expected. I imagine that’s why it was so hard for people to see the truth, that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Excellent, convicting and beautifully written. Thank you!
Thank you for the kind and encouraging words, Jessica. It means so much to me. I appreciate your personal testimony, helping me remember that lost loved ones literally cannot recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah. Oh Lord, give us hearts to pray for those who cannot see Jesus and eyes to see your eternal blessings more and more. God bless you and your family, Jessica!
Powerful message, Melissa. Love the analogy. Yes, sometimes God’s blessings come wrapped differently than what I expected or even hoped for. Still, I know His way is the best way and far better than any human imagination or effort. Thank you for this reminder.
Thank you for the words of encouragement, Karen! God’s blessings are spiritual and eternal, but not always what we hoped for in the temporal. May we trust His heart, when we cannot understand the work of His hands. God bless you and your family!