By Melissa McLaughlin
We often feel our problems are too big or our struggles too great for the LORD to help us overcome.
Take heart, the God who created us, can re-create us from the inside out, if we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and LORD and yield to His Spirit’s work in our lives. Only Jesus Christ removes our mountain of sin, if we receive Him. And the resurrection of a person’s life in Christ is a miraculous mountain-moving story like no other.
As we walk with Christ through this life, sometimes He moves the mountains of troubles and sometimes the miracle is that He walks through them with us, like He did with Daniel in the lion’s den.
Be amazed at our great God again today! Hear this miraculous story of overcoming in Christ.
I’m so excited to introduce you to Brunell Donald-Kyei.
Brunell Donald-Kyei’s Testimony
Listen to Brunell’s incredible personal testimony recorded on this short 11 minute video entitled:
“Scripture: Isaiah 54:17 -Overcoming Weapons that formed against me mom’s murder and foster care!“
What an incredible testimony of overcoming with Christ!
A little more about Brunell
Brunell, please tell us a little more about yourself.
How did you become a Christian?
I was brought to Christ by a believer named Ms. Johnson. She spent one year of her life taking me to church, reading scripture with me and being a mentor.
How has your faith in Christ impacted your life?
My faith has made me stronger. Comfortable in my own skin. It always reminds me that God is near.
How did you become an attorney?
I graduated high school from a group home at age 18 with a bag, a trunk and a dream to be a lawyer. 4 YEARS OF COLLEGE. 1 YEAR OF GRAD SCHOOL. 3 YEARS OF LAW SCHOOL. I’VE BEEN A LAWYER FOR 20 YEARS.
What advice do you have for others going through hard times?
Keep your eyes on the Lord. If you look around like Peter did when he walked on water, you will surely begin to drown. Trust God, no matter how it looks. It is not easy and I still fail sometimes, but I get up everyday with my eyes on him.
Thank you, Brunell, for sharing your amazing life story of overcoming and your inspiring faith in Christ!
How can readers find out more?
To follow Brunell and learn more about her story of overcoming and her ongoing work:
Purchase her book: Travail of an Innocent Child by Brunell Donald-Kyei on her Amazon Author Page: Brunell Donald-Kyei.
Follow Brunell on Twitter: @brunelldonald
Follow Brunell on her Youtube channel: Brunell Donald Kyei

Additional Resources:
From Clay to Heaven – Be Amazed by Your God! By Melissa McLaughlin
It certainly is an incredible journey. Thanks for sharing this person with. I pray we all learn to share our stories so we can help others.
Thank you for listening and sharing in this incredible journey of faith through Brunell’s story. You are right, Yvonne. Our stories of overcoming with Christ can help others. It reminds me of the verse from Revelation 12: They triumphed over him (satan)
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony.
Thank you for sharing about Brunell.
Thank you for listening to Brunell’s inspiring story of overcoming with Christ. I pray many will be strengthened through her testimony.
How wonderful to meet Brunell Donald-Kyei and to learn about her story! The testimonies of those who know the Lord are always so uplifting, providing encouraging evidence of the love of God and his incredible kindness.
Thank you for reading and sending a word of encouragement, Melinda! I agree, I am so moved by testimonies of the many ways the Lord works and redeems different people’s lives. He is alive and He is still saving, healing and delivering people!
Wow, what a powerful testimony of overcoming the weapons formed against us. Watched the video of Brunell’s story and celebrating her words here as well. So amazing how the Lord uses our story (no matter what) for good, ours and others, and for His glory.
I agree, Karen! Brunell’s testimony is so powerful. Thank you for helping to celebrate all that God has done in her life. The Lord can do mighty things, helping people overcome all the odds stacked against them and every weapon formed against them, if we yield to Christ and follow Him. May more stories of His mountain-moving work be shared, for His glory and our good.