Prayer for the New Year

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By Melissa McLaughlin

Lord Jesus, as I welcome this new year – I welcome You. Come into my heart anew. Wash me, cleanse me, restore me. Holy Spirit, illuminate my soul’s sin-shadowed corners with Your radiant glory.

Create in me a clean heart, O God. And renew a right spirit within me.

Let this be the dawning of a new day in my journey with You. A day bright with hope, yet steady with the wisdom of Your word.

Touch my lips with Your fiery coal. Speak through me with Your truth and grace, lighting the path for those who have lost their way.

Remove the scales from my eyes to behold Your splendor in sparkling snowflakes, starry night skies, and weary smiles of those who pass me by. Let me gaze at this earthly life through eyes of eternity.

Release from my ears echoes of hurt, failure, and false thought-patterns. Tune my mind to hear Your voice singing over me with mercy, grace, and holiness.

Bend low with divine instruments of healing. Resuscitate my heart with Your nail-scarred hands, bringing childlike faith back to life. Amputate cancerous roots of selfishness and pride. Leave behind tender shoots of faith in Jesus.

I yield to You. Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Deliverer, Savior, Shepherd, Almighty King.

Have Your way. Lead me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.

I trust You, Father God.

I love You, Lord Jesus.

I thank You, Holy Spirit.

I lay down my self-defenses, my opinions, my wounds, my sins, and my offenses.

I surrender afresh to You.

In this new year, do a new thing in me, O God of the impossible.

Other posts you may enjoy:

The Power of Short Prayers by Melissa McLaughlin

3 Prayers of Repentance by Melissa McLaughlin

How Did Jesus Pray? The Model Prayer by Melissa McLaughlin

18 thoughts on “Prayer for the New Year”

  1. I love this so much! I’ve been praying recently by writing my prayers, and I’ve found that lately the prayers of confession and repentance to be such beautiful moments. Surrendering to God is such a holy experience. May He wash us clean and may we all help His kingdom come on earth as in heaven!

    • Thank you for the encouraging words, Jessica! I agree, surrendering to God is such a holy experience. As we bow low in His presence and receive His cleansing, may we be refreshed, renewed, and revitalized as we follow hard after Him. God bless you in all you do this year!

  2. Thank you for your wonderful January prayer. You have such a beautiful way of expressing what is on your heart. Your words touch my heart and soul.
    I have read your prayer several times. They express my heart’s desire also. May your words be fulfilled each day as we walk with our Lord and desire to please Him daily.
    May God wrap you tightly with His love that overflows our souls.

    • To God be the glory! Mary Anne, you are such an encouragement to me. Thank you for your kind support. May we continue to walk together in prayerful gratitude with our Savior, each step we take in the year ahead.
      I receive your beautiful blessing. I pray His love fills you to overflowing as you rest with Him.

  3. Amen. I really loved this very beautiful and powerful prayer. Thank you my dear sister. God bless you and looking forward to many more


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